ComponentOne FlexReport for WPF
ForcePageBreakEnum Enumeration

C1.WPF.FlexReport.4 Assembly > C1.WPF.FlexReport Namespace : ForcePageBreakEnum Enumeration
Determines whether page breaks should be inserted before or after a field, subsection or section.
Public Enum ForcePageBreakEnum 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum ForcePageBreakEnum : System.Enum 
AfterA page break is inserted after the field or section.
BeforeA page break is inserted before the field or section.
BeforeAndAfterPage breaks are inserted before and after the field or section.
NoneNo page breaks.
PageAfterIn multi-column reports, a page break is inserted after the field or section instead of column break.
PageBeforeIn multi-column reports, a page break is inserted before the field or section instead of column break.
PageBeforeAndAfterIn multi-column reports, a page break is inserted before and after the field or section instead of column break.
Use the members of this enumeration to set the value of the FieldBase.ForcePageBreak and Section.ForcePageBreak properties in the FieldBase and Section classes.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


C1.WPF.FlexReport Namespace