ComponentOne FlexReport for WPF
EncloseParameterValues Property

C1.WPF.FlexReport.4 Assembly > C1.WPF.FlexReport Namespace > DataSource Class : EncloseParameterValues Property
Gets or sets a value indicating whether values of parameters in resulting SQL query should be enclosed with delimiters, "#" for dates, "'" for strings, "()" for multivalue parameters. If this parameter is false when all parameters in RecordSource already should be enclosed. For example, EncloseParameterValues == true: RecordSource = "select * from customers where name = CustomerName"; actual SQL query will be: select * from customers where name = 'Some customer' EncloseParameterValues == false: RecordSource = "select * from customers where name = 'CustomerName'"; actual SQL query will be: select * from customers where name = 'Some customer'
Public Property EncloseParameterValues As System.Boolean
public System.bool EncloseParameterValues {get; set;}
See Also


DataSource Class
DataSource Members
ParameterPassingMode Property