ComponentOne FlexReport for UWP
Step 1 of 2: Creating a Report Definition
FlexReport Quick Start > Step 1 of 2: Creating a Report Definition

Create a report definition using the FlexReportDesigner application or code. You can simply load an existing definition and render it in the FlexViewer control. The easiest way to create a report definition is to use the stand-alone C1FlexReportDesigner desktop application that ships with FlexReport.

The C1FlexReportDesigner.4.exe for 64 bit platform and C1FlexReportDesigner32.4.exe for 32 bit platform are located in C:\Program Files (x86)\ComponentOne\Apps\v4.0 folder on your computer.

You can create a Report Definition using FlexReportDesigner app available with ComponentOne Studio WinForms Edition. The steps to create a Report Definition are as follows:

  1. Run the FlexReportDesigner app and select New from the File Menu.
  2. Click New Report drop down in the Reports tab located on the extreme left of designer and select Report Wizard.
  3. Select SQLite Data Provider from the Data provider dropdown and click the ellipsis button next to the Connection string textbox to select the C1NWind.db file.
  4. Select a table from Data source tab and Click Next. In our case, we have selected Products table.
  5. Select the fields, layout, and style for the report after connecting the reports to a data source, give a suitable Title to the Report, and click Finish.
Note that the path to C1NWind.db is specified using the ?(SpecialFolder.SystemDefault) syntax. FlexReport connection strings support a special syntax that points to the Application.Current.LocalFolder in case of FlexReport for UWP. With this syntax, the connection string in the report can be specified as:
Data Source=?(SpecialFolder.SystemDefault)\C1NWind.db