ComponentOne FlexReport for WinForms
Binding Data to Charts in Multiple Data Source Report
Working with FlexReport > Data Sources in FlexReport > Connecting to Multiple Data Sources using Code > Binding Data to Charts in Multiple Data Source Report

When you add a Chart field to your report, the first step is to bind the chart to a data source.

Let's say your report has two data sources, 'Employees' and 'Products'. You want to create two charts, one that displays FullName and Age from Employees data source, and other that displays CategoryName and Sum(UnitsInStock) from Products data source.

The steps to achieve this scenerio are as follows:

  1. Create two data sources ("Employees", "Products") in the report.
  2. Define two calculated fields ("FullName", "Age") in Employees data source.
  3. Define two calculated fields ("CategoryName", "Sum(UnitsInStock)") in Products data source.
  4. Create two chart fields which bind to "Employees" and "Products" data sources separately.

    The following code illustrates the scenerio:

    Private report As C1FlexReport
        Private Function CreateChartSampleReport() As C1FlexReport
            report = New C1FlexReport() With { _
                .ReportName = "ChartSample" _
            ' add data source "Employees"
            Dim dsEmployees = New DataSource() With { _
                .Name = "Employees", _
                .ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=..\..\Reports\C1Nwind.mdb;Persist Security Info=False", _
                .DataSource = "Select * from Employees" _
            ' add calculated field "FullName".
            Dim calcFullName = New CalculatedField("FullName", GetType(String), "=LastName & "" "" & FirstName")
            ' add calculated field "Age".
            Dim calcAge = New CalculatedField("Age", GetType(Integer), "=Year(Now())-Year(BirthDate) + 1")
            ' add data source "Products"
            Dim dsProducts = New DataSource() With { _
                .Name = "Products", _
                .ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=..\..\Reports\C1Nwind.mdb;Persist Security Info=False", _
                .RecordSource = "Select Products.CategoryID as CategoryID, Categories.CategoryName as CategoryName, Products.UnitsInStock as UnitsInStock from Products inner join Categories on Products.CategoryID = Categories.CategoryID" _
            report.Sections.Header.Visible = True
            ' add ChartField using Employees data source.
            Dim sectionEmployees = report.Sections.Header.SubSections.Add()
            sectionEmployees.Name = "ChartWithEmployees"
            sectionEmployees.Height = 5200
            sectionEmployees.Visible = True
            ' add ChartField using Products data source.
            Dim sectionProducts = report.Sections.Header.SubSections.Add()
            sectionProducts.Name = "ChartWithProducts"
            sectionProducts.Height = 5200
            sectionProducts.Visible = True
            Return report
        End Function
        Private Function CreateChartForEmployees() As ChartField
            Dim chart = CreateChartField("Chart1", "Employees")
            chart.Header.Text = "Employees Age"
            chart.ChartArea2D.Inverted = True
            chart.ChartArea2D.AxisX.OnTop = True
            Dim group = chart.ChartGroups2D.Group0
            group.ChartType = Chart2DType.Bar
            Dim data = group.ChartData
            data.IsForEachRecord = True        ' show value of each record in data source
            data.CategoryGroups.AddNewGroup("=FullName")        ' group by FullName
            Dim seriesTemplate = data.SeriesValues.AddNewSeries()
            seriesTemplate.DataValues.AddNewValue("=Age")        ' show Age in AxisY
            Return chart
        End Function
        Private Function CreateChartForProducts() As ChartField
            Dim chart = CreateChartField("Chart2", "Products")
            chart.Header.Text = "Sum of UnitsInStock by Category"
            chart.ChartArea2D.Inverted = True
            chart.ChartArea2D.AxisX.OnTop = True
            Dim group = chart.ChartGroups2D.Group0
            group.ChartType = Chart2DType.Bar
            Dim data = group.ChartData
            Dim categoryGroup = data.CategoryGroups.AddNewGroup("=CategoryID")
            ' group by each CategoryID
            categoryGroup.LabelExpression = "=CategoryName"  ' show the CategoryName in AxisX
            Dim seriesTemplate = data.SeriesValues.AddNewSeries()
            ' show sum of UnitsInStock in AxisY
            Return chart
        End Function
        Private Function CreateChartField(name As String, datasource As String) As ChartField
            Dim chart = New ChartField() With { _
                .Name = name, _
                 .Width = 7500, _
                .Height = 5000, _
                 .Top = 100, _
                 .Left = 100, _
                 .DataSource = datasource _
            chart.Border.Color = Color.Black
            chart.Border.Width = 15
            chart.Border.Style = DashStyle.Solid
            chart.Border.CornerRadius = New CornerRadius(200.0)
            chart.ChartArea2D.AxisY.AutoMin = False
            Return chart
        End Function
        Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
            C1FlexViewer1.DocumentSource = report
        End Sub                    
     private C1FlexReport CreateChartSampleReport()
               var report = new C1FlexReport { ReportName = "ChartSample" };
                // add data source "Employees"
                var dsEmployees = new DataSource
                    Name = "Employees",
                    ConnectionString =
                        @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=..\..\Reports\C1Nwind.mdb;Persist Security Info=False",
                    RecordSource = "Select * from Employees",
                // add calculated field "FullName".
                var calcFullName = new CalculatedField("FullName", typeof(string), "=LastName & \" \" & FirstName");
                // add calculated field "Age".
                var calcAge = new CalculatedField("Age", typeof(int), "=Year(Now())-Year(BirthDate) + 1");
                // add data source "Products"
                var dsProducts = new DataSource
                    Name = "Products",
                    ConnectionString =
                        @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=..\..\Reports\C1Nwind.mdb;Persist Security Info=False",
                    RecordSource =
                        "Select Products.CategoryID as CategoryID, Categories.CategoryName as CategoryName, Products.UnitsInStock as UnitsInStock from Products inner join Categories on Products.CategoryID = Categories.CategoryID"
                report.Sections.Header.Visible = true;
                // add ChartField using Employees data source.
                var sectionEmployees = report.Sections.Header.SubSections.Add();
                sectionEmployees.Name = "ChartWithEmployees";
                sectionEmployees.Height = 5200;
                sectionEmployees.Visible = true;
                // add ChartField using Products data source.
                var sectionProducts = report.Sections.Header.SubSections.Add();
                sectionProducts.Name = "ChartWithProducts";
                sectionProducts.Height = 5200;
                sectionProducts.Visible = true;
                return report;          
            private ChartField CreateChartForEmployees()
                var chart = CreateChartField("Chart1", "Employees");
                chart.Header.Text = "Employees Age";
                chart.ChartArea2D.Inverted = true;
                chart.ChartArea2D.AxisX.OnTop = true;
                var group = chart.ChartGroups2D.Group0;
                group.ChartType = Chart2DType.Bar;
                var data = group.ChartData;
                data.IsForEachRecord = true; // show value of each record in data source
                data.CategoryGroups.AddNewGroup("=FullName"); // group by FullName
                var seriesTemplate = data.SeriesValues.AddNewSeries();
                seriesTemplate.DataValues.AddNewValue("=Age"); // show Age in AxisY
                return chart;
            private ChartField CreateChartForProducts()
                var chart = CreateChartField("Chart2", "Products");
                chart.Header.Text = "Sum of UnitsInStock by Category";
                chart.ChartArea2D.Inverted = true;
                chart.ChartArea2D.AxisX.OnTop = true;
                var group = chart.ChartGroups2D.Group0;
                group.ChartType = Chart2DType.Bar;
                var data = group.ChartData;
                var categoryGroup = data.CategoryGroups.AddNewGroup("=CategoryID"); // group by each CategoryID
                categoryGroup.LabelExpression = "=CategoryName"; // show the CategoryName in AxisX.
                var seriesTemplate = data.SeriesValues.AddNewSeries();
                seriesTemplate.DataValues.AddNewValue("=Sum(UnitsInStock)"); // show sum of UnitsInStock in AxisY.
                return chart;
            private ChartField CreateChartField(string name, string datasource)
                var chart = new ChartField
                    Name = name,
                    Width = 7500,
                    Height = 5000,
                    Top = 100,
                    Left = 100,
                    DataSource = datasource,
                chart.Border.Color = Color.Black;
                chart.Border.Width = 15;
                chart.Border.Style = DashStyle.Solid;
                chart.Border.CornerRadius = new CornerRadius(200d);
                chart.ChartArea2D.AxisY.AutoMin = false;
                return chart;         
    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                c1FlexViewer1.DocumentSource = report;

    Charts with Multiple Data Sources