| Name | Description |
| AccessKey | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| AccessKeyScopeOwner | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| ActiveEditor | Gets the cell editor that is currently active. |
| ActualHeight | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) |
| ActualTheme | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) |
| ActualWidth | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) |
| AllowAddNew | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the grid should provide a new row template so users can add items to the source collection. |
| AllowDragging | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether users are allowed to move rows and columns to new positions using the mouse. |
| AllowDrop | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| AllowFocusOnInteraction | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) |
| AllowFocusWhenDisabled | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) |
| AllowFreezing | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether users are allowed to freeze rows and columns using the mouse. |
| AllowMerging | Gets or sets a value that indicates which parts of the grid support cell merging. |
| AllowResizing | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether users are allowed to resize rows and columns using the mouse. |
| AllowSorting | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether users are allowed to sort columns by clicking the column header cells. |
| AlternatingRowBackground | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush that is used to paint the background of odd-numbered rows. |
| AutoComplete | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the control should try to automatically complete entries as the user types, based on other entries in the same column (like Microsoft Excel does). |
| AutoGenerateColumns | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether columns are created automatically when the ItemsSource property is set. |
| Background | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
| BaseUri | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) |
| BorderBrush | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
| BorderThickness | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
| CacheMode | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| CanDrag | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| CellFactory | Gets or sets the ICellFactory class responsible for creating and destroying Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement objects used to represent grid cells. |
| Cells | Gets the GridPanel that contains the data cells in the grid. |
| CharacterSpacing | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
| ChildItemsPath | Gets or sets the name of the property used to generate child rows. |
| Clip | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| ClipboardCopyMode | Gets or sets a value that indicates how content is copied to the clipboard. |
| ClipboardPasteMode | Gets or sets a value that indicates how content is pasted from the clipboard. |
| CollapsedIconTemplate | Gets or sets the C1.Xaml.C1IconTemplate used to present the group icon when the item group/detail is collapsed. |
| CollectionView | Gets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Data.ICollectionView that represents the current data source. |
| ColumnHeaderBackground | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush that is used to paint column header backgrounds. |
| ColumnHeaderForeground | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush that is used to paint column header content. |
| ColumnHeaders | Gets the GridPanel that contains the column header cells. |
| ColumnHeaderSelectedBackground | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush that is used to paint column header backgrounds for selected cells. |
| ColumnLayout | Gets or sets a string that defines the current column layout. |
| ColumnResizeIconStyle | Defines the style of element to show as column resize icon for touch interaction. |
| Columns | Gets the collection of columns in the grid. |
| CompositeMode | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| ContextFlyout | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| CursorBackground | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush that is used to paint the background of the cursor cell. |
| CursorForeground | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush that is used to paint the foreground of the cursor cell. |
| DataContext | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) |
| DefaultStyleResourceUri | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
| DesiredSize | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| Dispatcher | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyObject) |
| DragDropIndicatorBrush | Gets or sets the brush of drop indicator when drag columns or rows. |
| EditorBackground | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush that is used to paint the background of cells in edit mode. |
| EditorForeground | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush that is used to paint the foreground of cells in edit mode. |
| EditorRange | Gets the CellRange that corresponds to the cell currently being edited. |
| ElementSoundMode | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
| ExitDisplayModeOnAccessKeyInvoked | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| ExpandedAboveIconTemplate | Gets or sets the C1.Xaml.C1IconTemplate used to present the icon when the item group/detail is expanded above. |
| ExpandedBelowIconTemplate | Gets or sets the C1.Xaml.C1IconTemplate used to present the group icon when the item group/detail is expanded below. |
| FlowDirection | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) |
| FocusState | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
| FocusVisualMargin | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) |
| FocusVisualPrimaryBrush | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) |
| FocusVisualPrimaryThickness | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) |
| FocusVisualSecondaryBrush | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) |
| FocusVisualSecondaryThickness | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) |
| FontFamily | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
| FontSize | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
| FontStretch | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
| FontStyle | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
| FontWeight | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
| Foreground | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
| FrozenColumns | Gets or sets the number of non-scrollable columns. |
| FrozenLinesBrush | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush that is used to paint the lines between frozen and scrollable areas of the grid. |
| FrozenRows | Gets or sets the number of non-scrollable rows. |
| GridLinesBrush | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush that is used to paint the lines between cells. |
| GridLinesVisibility | Gets or sets a value that indicates which grid lines separating inner cells are shown. |
| GroupHeaderConverter | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Data.IValueConverter used to create the content shown in GroupRow cells to summarize group information. |
| GroupRowBackground | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush that is used to paint the background of group rows. |
| GroupRowForeground | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush that is used to paint the foreground of group rows. |
| GroupRowPosition | Gets or sets a value that indicates where group rows should be displayed with respect to the data. |
| HeaderFontWeight | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Text.FontWeight used to render text in header cells. |
| HeaderGridLinesBrush | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush that is used to paint the lines between row and column header cells. |
| HeadersVisibility | Gets or sets a value that indicates the visibility of row and column headers. |
| Height | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) |
| HighContrastAdjustment | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| HorizontalAlignment | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) |
| HorizontalContentAlignment | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
| HorizontalScrollBarVisibility | Gets or sets a value that indicates how the horizontal scroll bar is displayed. |
| IsAccessKeyScope | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| IsDeferredScrollingEnabled | Gets or sets a value that determines whether scrolling should be deferred until the user releases the scrollbar thumb. |
| IsDoubleTapEnabled | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| IsEnabled | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
| IsFocusEngaged | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
| IsFocusEngagementEnabled | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
| IsHitTestVisible | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| IsHoldingEnabled | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| IsReadOnly | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the user can edit values in the grid. |
| IsRightTapEnabled | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the control should synchronize the selection with the selection in the ItemsSource property. |
| IsTabStop | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
| IsTapEnabled | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| IsTextScaleFactorEnabled | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
| Item | Overloaded. Gets or sets the value of a specific cell. |
| ItemsSource | Gets or sets a collection that is used to generate the content of the control. |
| ItemType | Gets the type of item contained in the current data source. |
| KeepCurrentVisible | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the grid should automatically scroll to keep the current item visible. |
| KeyActionEnter | Gets or sets a value that indicates the action performed by the grid when the user presses the Enter key. |
| KeyActionTab | Gets or sets a value that indicates the action performed by the grid when the user presses the Tab key. |
| KeyboardAccelerators | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| KeyTipHorizontalOffset | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| KeyTipPlacementMode | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| KeyTipVerticalOffset | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| Language | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) |
| Lights | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| ManipulationMode | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| Margin | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) |
| Marquee | Gets the Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement used to show the Excel-style marquee around the current selection. |
| MarqueeColor | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush that is used to the stroke of the Marquee. |
| MaxColumnWidth | Gets or sets the maximum width of columns in the C1FlexGrid. |
| MaxHeight | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) |
| MaxRowHeight | Gets or sets the maximum height of rows in the C1FlexGrid. |
| MaxWidth | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) |
| MergeManager | Gets or sets the IMergeManager class responsible for handling cell merging on the grid. |
| MinColumnWidth | Gets or sets the minimum width of columns in the C1FlexGrid. |
| MinHeight | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) |
| MinRowHeight | Gets or sets the minimum height of rows in the C1FlexGrid. |
| MinWidth | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) |
| Name | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) |
| NewRowBackground | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush that is used to paint the background of the new row template. |
| NewRowIconTemplate | Gets or sets the template used to create the icon displayed in the header of a new row. |
| NewRowPosition | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the new row template should be displayed at the bottom or at the top of the grid. |
| Opacity | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| Padding | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
| Parent | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) |
| PointerCaptures | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| Projection | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| RenderSize | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| RenderTransform | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| RenderTransformOrigin | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| RequestedTheme | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) |
| RequiresPointer | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
| Resources | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) |
| RowBackground | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush that is used to paint row backgrounds. |
| RowDetailsTemplate | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.DataTemplate used to present the details part of a row. |
| RowDetailsVisibilityMode | The details part can be automatically opened when the row is selected, can be always visible, or can be always collapsed. |
| RowHeaderBackground | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush that is used to paint row header backgrounds. |
| RowHeaderForeground | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush that is used to paint row header content. |
| RowHeaders | Gets the GridPanel that contains the row header cells. |
| RowHeaderSelectedBackground | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush that is used to paint row header backgrounds for selected cells. |
| Rows | Gets the collection of rows in the grid. |
| ScrollPosition | Gets or sets a value that represents the value of the grid scroll bars. |
| SelectedIndex | Gets or sets the index of the data item corresponding to the selected row. |
| SelectedItem | Gets or sets the data item corresponding to the selected row. |
| SelectedItems | Gets a collection of data items corresponding to the currently selected rows. |
| Selection | Gets or sets the current selection. |
| SelectionAdornerFill | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush that is used to paint the Fill of Adorners. |
| SelectionBackground | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush that is used to paint the background of selected cells excluding the cursor cell. |
| SelectionForeground | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush that is used to paint the foreground of selected cells excluding the cursor cell. |
| SelectionMode | Gets or sets the grid's selection mode. |
| ShowMarquee | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the grid shows an Excel-style marquee around the current selection. |
| ShowOutlineBar | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the grid should display the outline button bar. |
| ShowSort | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the grid shows the current sort state by adding a glyph to the column headers of sorted columns. |
| SortAscendingIconTemplate | Gets or sets the C1.Xaml.C1IconTemplate used to present the sort icon when the column is sorted in ascending order. |
| SortDescendingIconTemplate | Gets or sets the C1.Xaml.C1IconTemplate used to present the sort icon when the column is sorted in descending order. |
| Style | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) |
| TabFocusNavigation | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| TabIndex | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
| TabNavigation | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
| Tag | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) |
| Template | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
| TopLeftCellBackground | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush that is used to paint the background of the cell at the left top corner of the grid. |
| TopLeftCells | Gets the GridPanel that contains the cells in the upper left corner of the grid. |
| Transform3D | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| Transitions | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| TreeIndent | Gets or sets the indent used to offset each group of rows in the grid. |
| Triggers | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) |
| UseLayoutRounding | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| UseSystemFocusVisuals | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
| VerticalAlignment | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) |
| VerticalContentAlignment | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
| VerticalScrollBarVisibility | Gets or sets a value that indicates how the vertical scroll bar is displayed. |
| ViewRange | Gets a CellRange value that indicates the range of cells currently visible on the grid. |
| Visibility | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| Width | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) |
| XYFocusDown | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
| XYFocusDownNavigationStrategy | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| XYFocusKeyboardNavigation | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| XYFocusLeft | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
| XYFocusLeftNavigationStrategy | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| XYFocusRight | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
| XYFocusRightNavigationStrategy | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| XYFocusUp | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
| XYFocusUpNavigationStrategy | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
| ZoomMode | Gets or sets the ZoomMode used in control. |