ComponentOne FlexChart for WinForms
Quick Start
FlexRadar > Quick Start

This quick start is intended to guide you through a step-by-step process of creating a simple FlexRadar application and running the same in Visual Studio.

To quickly get started with FlexRadar and observe how it appears on running the application, follow these steps:

  1. Add FlexRadar to the Application
  2. Bind FlexRadar to the Data Source
  3. Run the Application

The following image displays how a basic FlexRadar appears after completing the steps mentioned above.

Step 1: Add FlexRadar to the Application

  1. Create a Windows Forms Application in Visual Studio.
  2. Drag and drop the FlexRadar control from the Toolbox to the application.
    The .dll file which is automatically added to the application, is as follows:

Step 2: Bind FlexRadar to the Data Source

In this step, you first create a data table that contains inventory data for different beverages. Next, you bind FlexRadar to the created data table using the DataSource property provided by the FlexChart class. Then, you specify fields containing X values and Y values for FlexRadar using the BindingX and the Binding property, respectively.

To bind FlexRadar to the data source, add the following code in the Form_Load event.

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

    ' create a datatable
    Dim dt As New DataTable("Product Comparison")

    ' add columns to the datatable
    dt.Columns.Add("Beverages", GetType(String))
    dt.Columns.Add("Unit Price", GetType(Integer))
    dt.Columns.Add("Units In Stock", GetType(Integer))
    dt.Columns.Add("Units On Order", GetType(Integer))

    ' add rows to the datatable
    dt.Rows.Add("Tea", 18, 39, 40)
    dt.Rows.Add("Coffee", 19, 17, 70)
    dt.Rows.Add("Cocktail", 10, 13, 30)
    dt.Rows.Add("Mock Tail", 22, 53, 20)
    dt.Rows.Add("Soft Drink", 21, 120, 70)
    dt.Rows.Add("Mineral Water", 25, 90, 40)

    ' clear data series collection

    ' create data series
    Dim series1 As New C1.Win.Chart.Series()
    Dim series2 As New C1.Win.Chart.Series()
    Dim series3 As New C1.Win.Chart.Series()

    ' add the data series to the data series collection

    ' specify the datasource for the chart
    FlexRadar1.DataSource = dt

    ' bind the X-axis
    FlexRadar1.BindingX = "Beverages"

    ' bind the Y axes
    series1.Binding = "Unit Price"
    series2.Binding = "Units In Stock"
    series3.Binding = "Units On Order"

    ' name the series
    series1.Name = "Unit Price"
    series2.Name = "Units In Stock"
    series3.Name = "Units On Order"

End Sub
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // create a datatable
    DataTable dt = new DataTable("Product Comparison");

    // add columns to the datatable
    dt.Columns.Add("Beverages", typeof(string));
    dt.Columns.Add("Unit Price", typeof(int));
    dt.Columns.Add("Units In Stock", typeof(int));
    dt.Columns.Add("Units On Order", typeof(int));

    // add rows to the datatable
    dt.Rows.Add("Tea", 18, 39, 40);
    dt.Rows.Add("Coffee", 19, 17, 70);
    dt.Rows.Add("Cocktail", 10, 13, 30);
    dt.Rows.Add("Mock Tail", 22, 53, 20);
    dt.Rows.Add("Soft Drink", 21, 120, 70);
    dt.Rows.Add("Mineral Water", 25, 90, 40);

    // clear data series collection

    // create data series
    C1.Win.Chart.Series series1 = new C1.Win.Chart.Series();
    C1.Win.Chart.Series series2 = new C1.Win.Chart.Series();
    C1.Win.Chart.Series series3 = new C1.Win.Chart.Series();

    // add the data series to the data series collection

    // specify the datasource for the chart
    flexRadar1.DataSource = dt;

    // bind the X-axis
    flexRadar1.BindingX = "Beverages";

    // bind the Y axes
    series1.Binding = "Unit Price";
    series2.Binding = "Units In Stock";
    series3.Binding = "Units On Order";

    // name the series
    series1.Name = "Unit Price";
    series2.Name = "Units In Stock";
    series3.Name = "Units On Order";

Step 3: Run the Application

Press F5 to run the application and observe the output.