ComponentOne FinancialChart for WPF
C1NumericBox Class Members
Fields  Properties  Methods  Events

C1.WPF Namespace : C1NumericBox Class

The following tables list the members exposed by C1NumericBox.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorInitializes a new instance of a C1NumericBox.  
Public Fields
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the AllowNull dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the ButtonBackground dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the ButtonForeground dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the CaretBrush dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the CornerRadius dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)The Culture property is obsolete, use the FrameworkElement.Language property instead.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the Delay dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the DisabledCuesVisibility dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the FocusBrush dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the FocusCuesVisibility dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the Format dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the HandleUpDownKeys dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the Increment dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the Interval dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the IsFocused dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the IsReadOnly dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the Maximum dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the Minimum dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the MouseOverBrush dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the PressedBrush dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the RangeValidationMode dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the SelectionBackground dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the SelectionForeground dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the SelectionLength dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the SelectionStart dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the SelectOnFocus dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the ShowButtons dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the TextAlignment dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the ValidationDecoratorStyle dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the Value dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the Watermark dependency property.  
Public Properties
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public PropertyGets or sets whether the user can enter nulls values.  
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public PropertyGets or sets the System.Windows.Media.Brush that will be assigned to the Background of the buttons inside the control.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the System.Windows.Media.Brush that will be assigned to the Foreground of the buttons inside the control.  
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public PropertyGets or sets the System.Windows.Media.Brush of the blinking cursor of an input control. When .NET Framework is v3.5, 'CaretBrush' takes no effect.  
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public PropertyGets or sets a value that represents the degree to which the corners of the element are rounded.  
Public PropertyThe Culture property is obsolete, use the FrameworkElement.Language property instead.  
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public PropertyGets or sets the delay for the Increase and Decrease buttons.  
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the disabled visuals of the control are visible.  
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherObject)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public PropertyGets or sets the System.Windows.Media.Brush used to highlight the focused control.  
Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the focus visuals of the control are visible.  
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public PropertyGets or sets the value for the Format of the C1NumericBox.  
Public PropertyGets or sets If the control handles the Up / Down / PageUp / PageDown keys.  
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public PropertyGets or sets the increment applied when the user pressed the up/down arrow keys.  
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public PropertyGets or sets the interval for the Increase and Decrease buttons.  
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public PropertyReturns true if the control has the focus.  
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public PropertyGets or sets the value that determines if the C1NumericBox is read-only.  
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public PropertyGets or sets the maximum value allowed for the C1NumericBox.  
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public PropertyGets or sets the minimum value allowed for the C1NumericBox.  
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public PropertyGets or sets the System.Windows.Media.Brush used to highlight the control when it has the mouse over.  
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public PropertyGets or sets the System.Windows.Media.Brush used to paint a button when it is pressed.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the mode used to validate the range between Minimum and Maximum.  
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public PropertyGets or sets the number of characters in the current selection in the C1NumericBox.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the starting position of the text selected in the C1NumericBox.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the condition under which all control text is selected when the control receives focus.  
Public PropertyShows or hides the buttons for Increment or Decrement.  
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public PropertyGets or sets how the text should be aligned in the C1NumericBox.  
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public PropertyGets or sets the style that is applied to the inner C1ValidationDecorator.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the numeric value in the C1NumericBox.  
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public PropertyGets or sets the watermark content displayed when the control is empty.  
Public Property (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Methods
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public MethodOverridden. When overridden in a derived class, is invoked whenever application code or internal processes call System.Windows.FrameworkElement.ApplyTemplate.  
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public MethodSelects the text specified by start and length.  
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public MethodOverloaded.   
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public MethodOverloaded.  (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Visual)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Method (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodReturns a transform object that can be used to transform coordinates from the System.Windows.UIElement to the specified object.
Public Extension MethodFinds the first parent of a given type for a particular FrameworkElement
Public Extension MethodReturns all the parents in the visual tree
Public Extension MethodGets the VisualStateGroup with the given name, looking up the visual tree
Public Extension MethodOverloaded. Sets the binding if the dependency property has not been set previously and the style of the element don't set the property.
Public Events
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public EventEvent raised when the IsMouseOver property has changed.  
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
Public Event (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
Public EventFires when the Value property changes.  
See Also


C1NumericBox Class
C1.WPF Namespace