Excel for WinRT
XLSheet Class Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by XLSheet.

Public Properties
Public PropertyBookGets a reference to the C1XLBook that owns the sheet.  
Public PropertyColumnMaxLevelGets maximum outline level for columns.  
Public PropertyColumnsGets a reference to sheet's column collection.  
Public PropertyCommentsGets an XLCommentCollection that contains the collection of comments that on the sheet.  
Public PropertyConditionalFormattingsGets the collection of XLConditionalFormatting objects for the current workbook.  
Public PropertyDefaultColumnWidthGets or sets the default column width for the sheet (in twips).  
Public PropertyDefaultRowHeightGets or sets the default row height for the sheet (in twips).  
Public PropertyGridColorGets or sets the color used to display gridlines.  
Public PropertyItemGets the cell at a specified position on the sheet, creating a new cell if necessary.  
Public PropertyLockedGets or sets a value that determines if the sheet is locked for editing.  
Public PropertyMaxOutlineLevelGets the maximum subtotals outline level for rows or columns.  
Public PropertyMergedCellsGets an XLCellRangeCollection that contains the collection of cells that are merged on the sheet.  
Public PropertyNameGets or sets the name of the XLSheet.  
Public PropertyOutlinesBelowGets or sets a value indicating the vertical location of outline buttons.  
Public PropertyOutlinesRightGets or sets a value indicating the horizontal location of outline buttons.  
Public PropertyPrintSettingsGets or sets an XLPrintSettings object that controls how the sheet is printed.  
Public PropertyRowMaxLevelGets maximum outline level for rows.  
Public PropertyRowsGets a reference to the sheet's row collection.  
Public PropertyScaleGets or sets the view scale of this worksheet using percentages.  
Public PropertySelectedCellsGets an XLCellRangeCollection that contains the collection of cells that are selected on the sheet.  
Public PropertyShapesGets a reference to the ShapeCollection for the sheet.  
Public PropertyShowGridLinesGets or sets whether Excel should show the grid lines when displaying the sheet.  
Public PropertyShowHeadersGets or sets whether Excel should show the row and column headers when displaying the sheet.  
Public PropertyShowZerosGets or sets whether Excel should show the zero values on the sheet.  
Public PropertyTabColorGets or sets the color used to display the tab of this sheet.  
Public PropertyTotalsBelowDataGets whether Excel should show the subtotals data when displaying the sheet.  
Public PropertyVisibleGets or sets the sheet's visibility.  
Public Methods
Public MethodCloneCreates a copy of this sheet.  
Public MethodCopyFormulaCopies the formula from a source cell to a destination cell, adjusting relative references.  
Public MethodGetCellGets a reference to a cell at the specified coordinates or null if the cell doesn't exist.  
Public MethodGetFormattedTextGets formatted text is using XLStyle format value of the cell.  
Public MethodLoadAsyncOverloaded. Loads the Excel worksheet from a file storage.  
Public MethodLoadCsvLoads data from a stream containing comma-separated values (.csv) into the current sheet.  
Public MethodLoadCsvAsyncLoads async data from a file containing comma-separated values (.csv) into the current sheet.  
Public MethodSaveCsvSaves data from the current sheet into a comma-separated values (.csv) formatted stream.  
Public MethodSaveCsvAsyncSaves data from the current sheet into a comma-separated values (.csv) formatted file storage.  
See Also


XLSheet Class
C1.Xaml.Excel Namespace



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