ComponentOne Document Library for WPF
FindStart(Int32,Boolean,C1FindTextParams) Method

C1.WPF.Document.4 Assembly > C1.WPF.Document Namespace > C1TextSearchManager Class > FindStart Method : FindStart(Int32,Boolean,C1FindTextParams) Method
0-based index of the first page to search.
Indicates whether whole document should be loaded during searching or to the first fragment found.
The text search parameters.
Finds the first occurrence of a text in the document.
Public Overloads Function FindStart( _
   ByVal startPageIndex As System.Integer, _
   ByVal wholeDocument As System.Boolean, _
   ByVal findParams As C1FindTextParams _
) As C1FoundPosition
public C1FoundPosition FindStart( startPageIndex,
   System.bool wholeDocument,
   C1FindTextParams findParams


0-based index of the first page to search.
Indicates whether whole document should be loaded during searching or to the first fragment found.
The text search parameters.

Return Value

The found text position.
See Also


C1TextSearchManager Class
C1TextSearchManager Members
Overload List