ComponentOne Document Library for WPF
FindNextAsync Method

C1.WPF.Document.4 Assembly > C1.WPF.Document Namespace > C1TextSearchManager Class : FindNextAsync Method
C1FoundPosition object defines the position from which the search should be started.
Whether to throw an exception if a document access error occurred while searching.
Non-blocking (asynchronous) version of the FindNext method.
Public Function FindNextAsync( _
   ByVal foundPosition As C1FoundPosition, _
   ByVal throwException As System.Boolean _
) As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of C1FoundPosition)
public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<C1FoundPosition> FindNextAsync( 
   C1FoundPosition foundPosition,
   System.bool throwException


C1FoundPosition object defines the position from which the search should be started.
Whether to throw an exception if a document access error occurred while searching.

Return Value

Asynchronous object representing the found text position.
See Also


C1TextSearchManager Class
C1TextSearchManager Members