ComponentOne Document Library for WPF
C1Document Class Members
Properties  Methods 

C1.WPF.Document.4 Assembly > C1.WPF.Document Namespace : C1Document Class

The following tables list the members exposed by C1Document.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the C1Document class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyGets the document body.  
Public PropertyGets the CompatibilityOptions object which determines compatibility with the legacy C1PrintDocument component.  
Public PropertyGets the current document's dictionary. The dictionary can be used to hold reusable resources (e.g. images used in multiple places in the document).  
Public PropertyGets or sets the DocumentInfo object containing information about the current document (such as author, company, and so on).  
Public PropertyGets or sets the type of device used to provide System.Drawing.Graphics used to measure/calculate layouts of document objects, when used GDI/GDI+ functions. If this property is set to MeasurementDevice.Printer, MeasurementPrinterName specifies the printer.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the name of the printer used to provide System.Drawing.Graphics used to measure/calculate layouts of document objects, when used GDI/GDI+ functions. This property is only used if MeasurementDevice is set to MeasurementDevice.Printer.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the units of measurement used to define coordinates and sizes of objects in the current document.  
Public PropertyGets the OutlineNodeCollection representing the collection of OutlineNode objects in the current document.  
Public PropertyGets the main (root) Style of the current document.  
Public Methods
Public MethodClears the current document.  
Public MethodFinds a render object by name.  
See Also


C1Document Class
C1.WPF.Document Namespace