Calendar for WinRT
C1.Xaml.Calendar Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassC1Calendar Represents a month calendar with an ability to interactively navigate through months and select a specific System.DateTime value.
ClassC1CalendarPresenter An instance of this class is used in the C1Calendar's template visual tree to define a place where a panel with calendar days will appear.
ClassC1CalendarViewModel Represents the bridge between the view and the C1Calendar control.
ClassC1CalendarViewPresenter An instance of this class is used in the C1Calendar's template visual tree to define a place where a panel with calendar months or years is displayed.
ClassC1LoopPanel The panel layouts the selected item over the whole available space and changes selected items with FlipView-alike behavior.
ClassCalendarModeChangedEventArgs Provides data for the DisplayModeChanged event.
ClassClipExtensions Gets or sets a value indicating whether to clip the content of the element (or content coming from the child elements of the element) to fit into the size of the containing element.
ClassDateChangedEventArgs The DateChangedEventArgs class describes event data for the DateTime property changing events.
ClassDateList The DateList class represents the observable collection of System.DateTime values. The collection contains unique values only. Every item in collection is a System.DateTime value containing the date part only.
ClassDayOfWeekSlot Provides a data about a day of a week for the DaysOfWeekPresenter.
ClassDayOfWeekSlotPresenter Represents a root element of a visual tree generated for a day of week slot of the C1Calendar.
ClassDaySlot Represents a day slot in the C1Calendar control.
ClassDaySlotPresenter Represents a root element of a visual tree generated for a day slot of the C1Calendar.
ClassDaySlotTemplateSelector Exposes logic for choosing a template used to display DaySlot object.
ClassDaysOfWeekPresenter An instance of this class is used in the C1Calendar's template visual tree to define a place where a panel with day of week captions will appear.
ClassDeferrableObservableCollection<T> The DeferrableObservableCollection<T> represents an System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1 supported deferring events during the massive collection changes.
ClassPrepareElementEventArgs Supplies even arguments for the C1LoopPanel.PrepareElement event.
ClassReentrantObservableCollection<T> The ReentrantObservableCollection<T> class represents the same interface and functionality as the DeferrableObservableCollection<T> with one exception: it allows collection changing in event handlers for the CollectionChanged event.
ClassViewSlot Represents a month or year slot in the C1Calendar control.
ClassViewSlotPresenter Represents a root element of a visual tree generated for a month or year slot of the C1Calendar.
ClassWeekNumberSlot Provides a data about week number for the WeekNumbersPresenter class.
ClassWeekNumberSlotPresenter Represents a root element of the visual tree generated for a week number slot of the C1Calendar control.
ClassWeekNumbersPresenter An instance of this class is used in the C1Calendar's template visual tree to define a place where a panel with week numbers will appear.
ClassWorkDays The WorkDays class is a list of working days for the single week.
EnumerationCalendarMode Specifies whether the C1Calendar control displays month, year, or decade.
EnumerationSelectionCommand Determines the type of selection.
See Also


C1.Xaml.Calendar Assembly



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