Specifies the position of the tooltip relative to the target element.

Namespace:  C1.Web.UI.Controls.C1ToolTip
Assembly:  C1.Web.UI.Controls.3 (in C1.Web.UI.Controls.3.dll)


public enum Position
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Enumeration Position


Member nameDescription
Auto This is the default value. The tooltip is shown centered (with respect to the element height) and to the right of the element. If the browser edge is too close to the tooltip, then the tooltip will appear centered (with respect to the element height) to the left of the element.
TopLeft The tooltip is shown above the target element and to its left.
TopCenter The tooltip is centered above the target element.
TopRight The tooltip is shown above the target element and to its right.
MiddleLeft The tooltip is shown centered (with respect to the element height) and to the left of the target element.
Center The tooltip is centered over the target element.
MiddleRight The tooltip is shown centered (with respect to the element height) and to the right of the target element.
BottomLeft The tooltip is shown below the target element and to its left.
BottomCenter The tooltip is centered below the target element.
BottomRight The tooltip is shown below the target element and to its right.

See Also