The C1ToolTip type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAccessKey
The property should be hidden.
(Overrides WebControl..::..AccessKey.)
Public propertyAutoCloseDelay
Gets or sets the delay, in milliseconds, before the C1ToolTip is automatically closed.
Public propertyAutoTooltipify
Determines whether the C1ToolTip appears for all elements with a 'Title' property to give your page a clean, consistent look.
Public propertyCalloutAnimationDuration
Define how long (in milliseconds) the animation of the callout will run.
Public propertyCalloutEasing
The easing that is applied to the callout animation.
Public propertyCalloutOffset
Gets or sets the offset of the callout.
Public propertyCalloutSide
Gets or sets which side the callout will show.
Public propertyCloseBehavior
Gets or sets the behavior of the C1ToolTip when it is closed.
Public propertyEmbeddedVisualStyles
Returns string array with embedded visual style names.
(Overrides C1ThemeableControlEmbeddedVisualStyles()()()().)
Public propertyHeight
Gets or sets the height of C1ToolTip.
(Overrides WebControl..::..Height.)
Public propertyHideAnimation
Determines whether the animation effect can be seen.
Public propertyHideDelay
Determines how long, in milliseconds, before the tooltips disappears.
Public propertyHideDuration
Determines how long, in milliseconds, the animation effect is hidden.
Public propertyHideEasing
Specifies the transition for Hide animation.
Public propertyModal
Determines whether a C1ToolTip is modal.
Public propertyMouseTrailing
Determines whether the C1ToolTip will follow the mouse movement.
Public propertyOffsetX
Gets or sets the tooltip's horizontal offset from the target control.
Public propertyOffsetY
Gets or sets the tooltip's vertical offset from the target control.
Public propertyOnClientBeforeHide
Fires on the client side before the C1ToolTip is hidden.
Public propertyOnClientBeforeShow
Fires on the client side before the C1ToolTip is shown.
Public propertyOnClientHide
Fires on the client side when the C1ToolTip is hidden.
Public propertyOnClientShow
Fires on the client side when the C1ToolTip is shown.
Public propertyPosition
Gets or sets the position of the C1ToolTip relative to the target element.
Public propertyRelativeTo
Gets or sets the item that the C1ToolTip should appear relative to: Element, Mouse, or BrowserWindow.
Public propertyScrollSettings
Gets the scroll setting for the tooltip.
Public propertyShowAnimation
Gets or sets the animation effect that will be shown.
Public propertyShowCallOut
Gets or sets whether the tooltip appears in a callout box. If False, the tooltip appears in a label.
Public propertyShowDelay
Determines the length of the delay, in milliseconds, before the tooltip starts to appear.
Public propertyShowDuration
Gets or sets the length of time, in milliseconds, the animation appears.
Public propertyShowEasing
Gets or sets the transition effect for the animation that is shown.
Public propertyShowEvent
Gets or sets the client event, such as OnMouseOver, that makes the tooltip appear.
Protected propertyTagKey
Gets the value that corresponds to this Web server control.
(Overrides WebControl..::..TagKey.)
Public propertyTargetControls
Gets or sets the list of TargetControl objects that will be tooltipified.
Public propertyTemplate
Gets or sets the template for the content area of the C1ToolTip control.
Public propertyText
Gets or sets the content text of the control.
Public propertyTitle
Gets or sets the title of the control.
Public propertyToolTipZoneID
Gets or sets the element whose children will be tooltipified.
Public propertyUseEmbeddedVisualStyles
If True, then the control will use the visual style embedded in the control's assembly. Otherwise, the control will load the visual style from the disk.
(Overrides C1ThemeableControlUseEmbeddedVisualStyles()()()().)
Public propertyVisibleOnPageLoad
Gets or sets whether the tooltip will open automatically when the page is loaded.
Public propertyVisualStyle
Gets or sets the visual style shown.
(Overrides C1ThemeableControlVisualStyle()()()().)
Public propertyVisualStylePath
Gets or sets the path where the visual styles are located.
(Overrides C1ThemeableControlVisualStylePath()()()().)
Public propertyWidth
Gets or sets the width of the C1ToolTip.
(Overrides WebControl..::..Width.)

See Also