
Public classC1ToolTip
The C1ToolTip class represents a tooltip.
Public classC1TooltipAutoToolTipifyEventArgs
C1TooltipAutoToolTipifyEventArgs is used to autotooltipify the elements on a page. Autotooltipify means the tooltip appears for all elements with a 'Title' property.
Public classC1ToolTipEventArgs
The C1ToolTipEventArgs class is used for the client-side show and hide events.
Public classCalloutSide
Specifies the side of the callout.
Public classCloseBehavior
Specifies the behavior of the C1ToolTip when it is closed.
Public classPosition
Specifies the position of the C1ToolTip relative to the target element.
Public classRelativeTo
Specifies the object that the C1ToolTip should appear relative to: Element, Mouse, or BrowserWindow.
Public classShowEvent
Specifies the client event, such as OnMouseOver, that makes the tooltip appear for the target element.