ComponentOne SplitContainer for WinForms
Adding Multiple Panels to the C1SplitContainer
SplitContainer for WinForms Task-Based Help > Adding Multiple Panels to the C1SplitContainer

In this topic, you will learn how to add multiple C1SplitterPanels to the C1SplitContainer control in design view and in code.

In Design View:

Complete the following steps:

  1. Add the C1SplitContainer to the form.
  2. Click on the C1SplitContainer’s smart tag to open its tasks menu.
  3. Select Edit Panels from the C1SplitContainer Tasks Menu. The C1SplitContainer.Panels Collection Editor appears.
  4. Click on the Add button twice to add two more C1SplitterPanels to the C1SplitContainer. Once a C1SplitterPanel is added to the C1SplitContainer the properties appear in the right pane so you can easily modify the C1SplitterPanel’s settings.
  5. Click OK to save and close the C1SplitContainer.Panels Collection Editor.

In Code View:

Complete the following steps:

  1. Add the C1.Win.C1SplitContainer.dll reference to your project.
  2. Declare the following C1.Win.C1SplitContainer namespace at the top of your code page:

    Visual Basic

    Visual Basic
    Copy Code
    Imports C1.Win.C1SplitContainer

    To write code in C#

    Copy Code
    using C1.Win.C1SplitContainer;
  3. Add the following code in the Form_Load event:

    Visual Basic

    Visual Basic
    Copy Code
    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
       'create new splitcontainer
       Dim split As New C1SplitContainer()
        'create a new panel for the split container
       Dim panel1 As New C1SplitterPanel()
       Dim panel2 As New C1SplitterPanel()
       Dim panel3 As New C1SplitterPanel()
        'add the panels to the splitcontainer
        panel1.Text = "Panel 1"
       panel2.Text = "Panel 2"
       panel3.Text = "Panel 3"
        'add the splitcontainer
    End Sub

    To write code in C#

    Copy Code
    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
       //create new splitcontainer
       C1SplitContainer split = new C1SplitContainer();
        //create a new panel for the split container
       C1SplitterPanel panel1 = new C1SplitterPanel();
       C1SplitterPanel panel2 = new C1SplitterPanel();
       C1SplitterPanel panel3 = new C1SplitterPanel();
        //add panel1 to the splitcontainer
        panel1.Text = "Panel 1";
       panel2.Text = "Panel 2";
       panel2.Text = "Panel 3";
        //add the splitcontainer
  4. Run the program.

This Topic Illustrates the Following:

The following graphic depicts a C1SplitContainer control with three C1SplitterPanels.