The Field type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Align
Gets or sets how text is aligned within the field.
Public property Anchor
Gets or sets the field's vertical position relative to its containing Section.
Public property BackColor
Gets or sets the field's background color.
Public property BarCode
Allows fields to be rendered in barcode format.
Public property BorderColor
Gets or sets the field's border color.
Public property BorderStyle
Gets or sets the field's border style.
Public property Bounds
Gets or sets the field's size and location within the section, in twips.
Public property Calculated
Specifies whether the Text property should be interpreted as a literal value or as a calculated expression.
Public property CanGrow
Specifies whether the field height should be automatically increased to fit the field's contents.
Public property CanShrink
Specifies whether the field height should be automatically reduced to fit the field's contents.
Public property CheckBox
Specifies whether the field should be displayed as a checkbox.
Public property Font
Gets or sets the field's font.
Public property ForcePageBreak
Specifies whether to insert page breaks before or after the field.
Public property ForeColor
Gets or sets the field's foreground color.
Public property Format
Gets or sets a string used to format the field value.
Public property Height
Gets or sets the height of the field in twips.
Public property HideDuplicates
Specifies whether duplicate values in consecutive records should be suppressed.
Public property Index
Returns the position of the field in the parent report's Fields collection.
Public property KeepTogether
Specifies whether the field should be kept together on a page.
Public property Left
Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the field's left edge in twips.
Public property LineSlant
Specifies whether a line should be drawn across the field (as opposed to a box around the field).
Public property LineSpacing
Gets or sets the line spacing between text lines in the field, in percent. The default is 100 which corresponds to normal line spacing.

Note that this property is ignored if RTF is true.

Public property LineWidth
Gets or sets the width of the field's border or line.
Public property LinkTarget
Gets or sets an expression that evaluates to a URL to be visited when the field is clicked.
Public property LinkValue
Returns the value of the LinkTarget expression.
Public property Location
Gets or sets the field's location within the section, in twips.
Public property MarginBottom
Gets or sets the spacing between the bottom edge of the field and its content, in twips.
Public property MarginLeft
Gets or sets the spacing between the left edge of the field and its content, in twips.
Public property MarginRight
Gets or sets the spacing between the right edge of the field and its content, in twips.
Public property MarginTop
Gets or sets the spacing between the top edge of the field and its content, in twips.
Public property Name
Gets or sets the field name.
Public property ParentReport
Gets the C1Report that contains this field.
Public property ParentSection
Gets the Section that contains this field.
Public property Picture
Gets or sets a picture to display on the field.
Public property PictureAlign
Gets or sets how field pictures should be the aligned.
Public property PictureScale
Gets or sets how images should be the scaled to fit within the field area.
Public property RenderHeight
Gets the height of the field in twips after the CanGrow and CanShrink properties have been applied to the field.
Public property RenderTop
Gets the y-coordinate of the field's top edge in twips after the CanGrow and CanShrink properties have been applied to the containing Section.
Public property RTF
Specifies whether the field should render string enclosed in curly brackets as RTF.
Public property RunningSum
Specifies whether to show a running sum for the field.
Public property Section
Gets or sets the section to which the field belongs.
Public property Size
Gets or sets the field's size, in twips.
Public property Subreport
Gets or sets a reference to another report to be rendered within the field (a subreport).
Public property SubreportHasData
Returns whether a subreport has data and suppresses rendering if it doesn't.
Public property Tag
Gets or sets extra data needed by the calling program.
Public property Text
Gets or sets the field's text.
Public property TextDirection
Gets or sets the direction of the text within the field.
Public property Top
Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the field's top edge in twips.
Public property Value
Gets or sets the field's calculated value.
Public property Visible
Specifies whether the Field will be rendered in the report.
Public property Width
Gets or sets the width of the field in twips.
Public property WordWrap
Specifies whether the field's contents should be allowed to wrap within the field rectangle.
Public property ZOrder
Gets or sets the ZOrder for the field.

See Also