The TablixMember type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property CustomProperties
Gets the CustomProperties collection with custom properties for this member.
Public property DataElementName
Gets or sets the name to use for the data element for this member. Must be a CLS-compliant identifier.
Public property DataElementOutput
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current member should appear in data rendering.
Public property FixedData
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the whole tablix member (including its body cells) should be displayed on the page even when the user scrolls part of the Tablix off the page.

Can be true only on the outermost members on the hierarchy (row or column) of the Tablix.

Members with FixedData=True must be contiguous with all other FixedData members on the hierarchy.

Not allowed to be true if the Tablix has headers on the opposite hierarchy (FixedRowHeaders or FixedColumnHeaders).

Not allowed to be true on the leftmost column member if GroupsBeforeRowHeaders is set.

Not allowed to be true on row members unless set on the first row member.

Not allowed to be true if a corresponding body cell is part of a span and the FixedData for a peer TablixMember corresponding to another cell in the spanned area is false.

Public property Group
Gets the Group object defining data grouping. If this property is null, the current tablix member is a static member, otherwise it is a dynamic member.

Not allowed if any ancestor group is a detail group.

Public property HideIfNoRows
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this static member should be hidden if the Tablix contains no rows of data. Ignored for dynamic members. A member hidden in this way ignores visibility properties (including ToggleItem).
Public property Hierarchy
Gets the TablixHierarchy object containing this object.
Public property KeepTogether
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the entire Tablix member should be kept together on one page if possible.
Public property KeepWithGroup
Gets or sets a value indicates whether this static member should be kept on the page (if possible) with the closest non-hidden instance of the previous or following sibling dynamic member.

Each sibling member between this member and the target dynamic member must have the same value for KeepWithGroup as this member. Must be None on column members, dynamic members or members with dynamic descendants.

Public property Members
Gets the TablixMembers collection containing submembers contained within this member.
Public property Owner
Gets the TablixMembers collection owning this object.
Public property Parent
Gets the parent TablixMember object or null.
Public property RepeatOnNewPage
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this static member should be repeated on every page on which at least one complete instance of the dynamic member referred to via KeepWithGroup or one of that member’s descendents (excepting descendents with KeepWithGroup not equal to None) appears. Ignored if KeepWithGroup is None. Each peer member between this member and the target dynamic member must have the same value for RepeatOnNewPage as this member. Must be False on column members.
Public property Report
Gets the C1RdlReport object containing this object.
Public property SortExpressions
Gets the SortExpressions collection containing expressions by which to sort the group instances.

Not used if Group is null.

Public property Tablix
Gets the Tablix object contaning this object.
Public property TablixHeader
Gets the TablixHeader object that defines the header cell for the member.
Public property Visibility
Gets the visibility of the current tablix member. If all instances of all submembers of a particular member instance are hidden, that member instance is automatically hidden.

See Also