The ReportParameter type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AllowBlank
Gets or sets value indicating the value for this parameter can be the empty string. Ignored if DataType is not String.
Public property DataType
Gets or sets the data type of the ReportParameter.
Public property DefaultValue
Gets DefaultValue object defining default value for this ReportParameter object.
Public property Hidden
Gets or sets value indicating the parameter should not be displayed to the user (however, it will still be available for programmatic use with subreports, drillthrough reports etc.)
Public property MultiValue
Gets or sets value indicating this is a multivalue parameter (a parameter that can take a set of values). Multivalue parameters are accessed in expressions as zero-based arrays in the Value and Label properties (for example, Parameters!Cities.Value(0) and Parameters!Cities.Label(0)). Ignored for Boolean parameters.
Public property Name
Gets or sets the unique name of the current object. If an item with the specified name already exists in the collection, an exception is thrown.
(Inherited from NamedCollectionItem.)
Public property Nullable
Gets or sets value indicating the value for this parameter can be Null. Cannot be true if this is a multivalue parameter.
Public property Owner
Gets ReportParameters collection containing this object.
Public property Prompt
Gets or sets the user prompt to display when asking for parameter values.
Public property Report
Gets C1RdlReport containing this parameter.
Public property UsedInQuery
Gets or sets value indicating whether the parameter is used in a query in the report. This is necessary to determine if the queries must be rerun if the parameter changes.
Public property ValidValues
Gets ValidValues collection defining possible values for the parameter (for the end-user UI).

See Also