The PageSection type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Height
Gets or sets the height of the page section.
Public property Owner
Gets the Page object containing this object.
Public property PrintOnFirstPage
Gets or sets the value indicating if the page section should be shown on the first page of the report. Not used in single-page reports if this is a PageFooter.
Public property PrintOnLastPage
Gets or sets the value indicating if the page section should be shown on the last page of the report. Not used in single-page reports if this is a PageHeader.
Public property Report
Gets C1RdlReport object containing this object.
Public property ReportItems
Gets the ReportItems collection containing the elements of the page section layout. No data regions or subreports are allowed in the page section. All page breaks are ignored in the page section.
Public property Style
Gets the Style object defining style information for the current ReportElement.
(Inherited from ReportElement.)

See Also