The ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..ColumnProps type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property DrawingStyle
Gets or sets the drawing style of bar or column charts. Default: Default.
(Inherited from ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..ColumnBarPropsBase.)
Public property DrawSideBySide
Determines if data points that have the same X value are drawn side by side, or are drawn using the same X value. If Auto then the chart type automatically determines if this is true or false. Note that setting this attribute to true only has an effect if two or more series in a chart area have DrawSideBySide set to true. Default: Auto.
Public property EmptyPointValue
Determines how an empty point is treated when the chart is drawn. If a value of 'Average' is used then the chart is drawn as if a point exists that has an average Y value, the average being calculated using the adjacent points. If 'Zero' is used then the chart is drawn as if a point exists with a value of zero. Default: Average.
Public property HistogramSegmentIntervalNumber
If ShowColumnAs is Histogram, then this property defines the number of intervals the data range is divided into. This property only has effect when HistogramSegmentIntervalWidth is not set. Default: 20.
Public property HistogramSegmentIntervalWidth
If ShowColumnAs is Histogram then this property defines the histogram interval width. Setting this value to 0 will result in automatic width calculation based on the data range. Default: 0.
Public property HistogramShowPercentOnSecondaryYAxis
If ShowColumnAs is Histogram then this property indicates the percent frequency should be displayed using the secondary Y axis. Default: True.
Public property LabelStyle
Gets or set the data point labels position. Default: Auto.
Public property MaxPixelPointWidth
Gets or sets the maximum width (in pixels) of data points. Default: 0.
(Inherited from ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..ColumnBarPropsBase.)
Public property MinPixelPointWidth
Gets or sets the minimum width (in pixels) of data points. Default: 0.
(Inherited from ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..ColumnBarPropsBase.)
Public property Owner
Gets ChartSeriesCustomProperties owning this object.
(Inherited from ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..PropsBase.)
Public property PixelPointDepth
Gets or sets the 3D series depth, measured in pixels. Default: 0.
(Inherited from ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..ThreeDPropsBase.)
Public property PixelPointGapDepth
Gets or sets the 3D series gap, measured in pixels. Default: 0.
(Inherited from ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..ThreeDPropsBase.)
Public property PixelPointWidth
Gets or sets the width (in pixels) of data points. Default: 0.
(Inherited from ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..ColumnBarPropsBase.)
Public property PointWidth
Gets or sets the relative width of data points. Default: 0.8.
(Inherited from ChartSeriesCustomProperties..::..ColumnBarPropsBase.)
Public property ShowColumnAs
Series will be formatted as Normal, Histogram or Pareto after binding the data to the series. This attribute will be ignored if Series groupings or nested Category groupings exist. Default: Normal.

See Also