The ChartSeriesCustomProperties type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Area
Properties of the Area chart.
Public property AreaPercentStacked
Properties of the Area Percent Stacked chart.
Public property AreaSmooth
Properties of the Area Smooth chart.
Public property AreaStacked
Properties of the Area Stacked chart.
Public property Bar
Properties of the Bar chart.
Public property BarPercentStacked
Properties of the Bar Percent Stacked chart.
Public property BarStacked
Properties of the Bar Stacked chart.
Public property Column
Properties of the Column chart.
Public property ColumnPercentStacked
Properties of the Column PercentStacked chart.
Public property ColumnStacked
Properties of the Column Stacked chart.
Public property Doughnut
Properties of the Doughnut chart.
Public property Funnel
Properties of the Funnel chart.
Public property Line
Properties of the Line chart.
Public property LineSmooth
Properties of the Line Smooth chart.
Public property LineStepped
Properties of the Line Stepped chart.
Public property Pie
Properties of the Pie chart.
Public property Polar
Properties of the Polar chart.
Public property Pyramid
Properties of the Pyramid chart.
Public property Radar
Properties of the Radar chart.
Public property Range
Properties of the Range chart.
Public property RangeBar
Properties of the Range Bar chart.
Public property RangeBoxPlot
Properties of the Range BoxPlot chart.
Public property RangeCandlestick
Properties of the Range Candlestick chart.
Public property RangeColumn
Properties of the Range Column chart.
Public property RangeErrorBar
Properties of the Range ErrorBar chart.
Public property RangeSmooth
Properties of the Range Smooth chart.
Public property RangeStock
Properties of the Range Stock chart.
Public property Scatter
Properties of the Scatter chart.
Public property ScatterBubble
Properties of the Scatter Bubble chart.
Public property UserDefined
Gets the UserDefinedProperties collection.
(Inherited from CustomProperties.)

See Also