The ChartAxis type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AllowLabelRotation
Gets or sets the step by which axis labels can be incrementally rotated to fit within the chart.

Default: Rotate90.

Public property Angle
Gets or sets the angle at which to display axis labels. This must be an integer between –90 and 90.

Default: 0

Public property Arrows
Gets or sets the type of arrows for axis labels.

Default: None.

Public property CrossAt
Gets or sets the value (that evaluates to a double or to a DateTime) at which to cross the other axis. If null (or error in expression), uses the default behavior for the chart type. Overrides Location.
Public property CustomProperties
Gets the CustomProperties collection defining custom properties for the axis.
Public property HideEndLabels
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the labels should be hidden at axis ends.

Default: False.

Public property HideLabels
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the axis labels are hidden.
Public property IncludeZero
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the axis should always include zero. Ignored if Minimum is set.

Default: True.

Public property Interlaced
If this property is true then strip lines are drawn at every other grid line interval for the axis. If grid lines are not used for the axis then the axis' tick marks or labels are used to determine the interlaced strip lines interval.

Default: False.

Public property InterlacedColor
Gets or sets the color of the interlaced strips.
Public property Interval
Gets or sets the default interval between gridlines, tick marks and labels.

Default (0) means that the axis is autodivided.

Public property IntervalOffset
Gets or sets the default offset for the first tick mark from the axis min.

Default: 0.

Public property IntervalOffsetType
Gets or sets the default unit for the IntervalOffset.
Public property IntervalType
Gets or sets the default unit for the Interval.
Public property LabelInterval
Gets or sets the interval between labels.

Default (0) uses Interval

Public property LabelIntervalOffset
Gets or sets the offset for the first label from the axis min.

Default (0) uses IntervalOffset.

Public property LabelIntervalOffsetType
Gets or sets the unit for the LabelIntervalOffset.
Public property LabelIntervalType
Gets or sets the unit for the LabelInterval.
Public property LabelsAutoFitDisabled
Gets or sets a value indicating axis labels should not be automatically adjusted to fit.

Default: False.

Public property Location
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the axis is drawn on the default side (for example, left for the value axis on a line chart) or on the opposite side.
Public property LogBase
Gets or sets the base to use for the logarithmic scale.

Default: 10.

Public property LogScale
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the axis is logarithmic.

Default: False.

Public property MajorGridLines
Gets the ChartGridLines object defining how major gridlines should be displayed for this axis.
Public property MajorTickMarks
Gets the ChartTickMarks object defining major tick marks for the axis.
Public property Margin
Gets or sets a value indicating whether an axis margin will be created. The size of the margin is automatically generated based on the scale and the number of data points.

Default: Auto.

Public property MarksAlwaysAtPlotEdge
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the marks should stay with the edge of the plot area rather than move with the axis.

Default: False.

Public property MaxFontSize
Gets or sets the minimum font size when autofitting labels.

Default: 10pt.

Public property Maximum
Gets or sets the maximum value for the axis. If null (which is the default) or error in expression, the axis autoscales.
Public property MinFontSize
Gets or sets the minimum font size when autofitting labels.

Default: 6pt.

Public property Minimum
Gets or sets the minimum value for the axis. If null (which is the default) or error in expression, the axis autoscales.
Public property MinorGridLines
Gets the ChartGridLines object defining how minor gridlines should be displayed for this axis.
Public property MinorTickMarks
Gets the ChartTickMarks object defining minor tick marks for the axis.
Public property Name
Gets or sets the unique name of the current object. If an item with the specified name already exists in the collection, an exception is thrown.
(Inherited from NamedCollectionItem.)
Public property OffsetLabels
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the labels should be offset.

Default: False.

Public property Owner
Gets the NamedCollection containing the current object.
(Inherited from NamedCollectionItem.)
Public property PreventFontGrow
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the axis label font size should not be increased to fit within the chart.

Default: False.

Public property PreventFontShrink
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the axis label font size should not be reduced to fit within the chart.

Default: False.

Public property PreventLabelOffset
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the axis labels should not be staggered to fit within the chart.
Public property PreventWordWrap
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the axis labels should not be word-wrapped to fit within the chart.
Public property Reverse
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the axis should be plotted in the reverse direction.

Default: False.

Public property Scalar
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the values along this axis are scalar values (that is, numeric or date) which should be displayed on the chart in a continuous axis. Scalar cannot be true if the axis has more than one group, if it has a static group or a group with more than one group expression. The type of scalar (date, integer, float) is derived from the first non-null value found. All values are converted to that type. If any non-scalar value is present, the axis will revert to non-scalar. Treated as True if this is a ChartCategoryAxis and any ChartSeries plotted against this axis contains a ChartDataPoint with ChartDataPointValues.X defined.
Public property ScaleBreak
Gets the ChartAxisScaleBreak object defining scale break behavior for the axis.
Public property StripLines
Gets the ChartStripLines collection defining custom strip lines for the axis.
Public property Style
Gets the Style object defining text style properties for the axis labels and line style properties for the axis line.
Public property Title
Gets the ChartAxisTitle object defining a title of the axis.
Public property VariableAutoInterval
Gets or sets a value indicating whether if an automatic interval is calculated, it should be based on available size. Otherwise, the interval will be calculated based only on the data range.
Public property Visible
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the axis is displayed.

Default: Auto.

See Also