The RenderTable type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Anchors
Gets the collection of anchors (elements of the type C1Anchor) associated with the current object.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property BordersSplitHorzMode
Gets or sets a value indicating how borders are drawn if the object is too wide and is split between horizontal pages.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property BordersSplitVertMode
Gets or sets a value indicating how borders are drawn if the object is too high and is split between pages.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property BreakAfter
Gets or sets the type of break (none, line, column, or page) to insert after the current object.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property BreakBefore
Gets or sets the type of break (none, line, column, or page) to insert before the current object.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property CanSplitHorz Obsolete.
Indicates whether the object can be split horizontally if it falls on a page break.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property CanSplitVert Obsolete.
Indicates whether the object can be split vertically if it falls on a page break.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property Cells
Gets the collection of cells of the current RenderTable. Getting a cell with arbitrary row and column indices on this collection always returns a TableCell object, initializing it if necessary.
Public property CellStyle
Gets the Style of objects contained in the cells of the current table. See CellStyle for details.
Public property Children
Gets the collection of child render objects.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property Clip
Gets or sets the value indicating whether the object should be clipped.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property ColGroups
Gets the collection of column groups defined on the current RenderTable.
Public property Collection
Gets the RenderObjectCollection containing the current object, or null if the current object has no Owner()()()() or the owner is not a RenderObjectCollection.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property Cols
Gets the collection of columns of the current RenderTable. Getting a column with an arbitrary index on this collection always returns a TableCol object, initializing it if necessary.
Public property ColsCanSplit Obsolete.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether table columns can split between pages (you can override this value for individual columns using CanSplit property). The default is false.
Public property ColsSplitBehavior
Gets or sets a value determining how a table column is treated when it is too wide to fit in the horizontal space available on the current page. (you can override this value for individual columns using SplitBehavior property).

The default is Never.

Public property ColumnSizingMode
Gets or sets a value determining how the widths of table columns are calculated. The default is Fixed.
Public property Copies
Gets the collection of RenderObject objects generated by data binding. The value of this property is null if the object is not data bound.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property DataBinding
Gets an instance of C1DataBinding class representing the data binding properties of the current object.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property DataBindingDefined
Gets a value indicating whether the current object is data bound. Returns true if the object's DataBinding property has been initialized and its Mode is not None.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property DataBindingMode
Gets a combination of DataBindingModeEnum flags specifying the data binding mode of the current object. Takes into consideration data binding of row and column groups.
(Overrides RenderObject..::..DataBindingMode.)
Public property FirstFragment
Gets the first fragment of the current object, or null if Fragments has not been initialized yet.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property FormatDataBindingInstanceScript
Gets or sets a script that is executed each time a new instance of the current RenderObject is created due to data binding resolving.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property FragmentResolvedScript
Gets or sets the script that is executed each time a RenderFragment of the current render object is created and added to the Fragments collection on the current object.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property Fragments
Gets a RenderFragmentCollection containing the fragments produced by the current object in the generated document.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property HasAnchors
Gets a value indicating whether the current object has any anchors associated with it (i.e. whether the Anchors collection exists and is not empty).
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property HasChildren
Gets a value indicating whether the current object has children (i.e. its Children collection contains at least one element).
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property HasFragments
Gets a value indicating whether the current object's Fragments collection has been initialized and contains one or more fragments.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property Height
Gets or sets the height of the current object.

May be specified as auto (Auto), a percentage of the parent's height (e.g. "50%"), an absolute value (using DefaultUnit), an absolute value with unit of measurement (e.g. "12mm"), or an expression referencing this and other objects (e.g. "150%prev.height+1in").

(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property HorzPageFooterOnLastPage
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a horizontal page footer, if defined (see remarks), should be printed on the last of the pages spanned by the current table.
Public property HorzPageHeaderOnFirstPage
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a horizontal page header, if defined (see remarks), should be printed on the first of the pages spanned by the current table.
Public property Hyperlink
Gets or sets the hyperlink (see C1Hyperlink) associated with the current object.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property IndexInOwner
Gets the index of the current object within the Owner()()()(), or -1 if there is no owner.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property KeepTogether
Gets or sets a render object which should be printed on the same page as the current object. The specified object must have the same Parent as the current object.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property LastFragment
Gets the last fragment of the current object, or null if Fragments has not been initialized yet.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property LayoutChangeAfter
Gets or sets the LayoutChangeBase object defining the change of page layout that will occur after the current object.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property LayoutChangeBefore
Gets or sets the LayoutChangeBase object defining the change of page layout that will occur before the current object.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property Name
Gets or sets the name of the current object. The name can be an empty string. If it is not empty, the name must be unique among the current object's siblings (i.e. objects with the same Owner()()()()).
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property ObjectResolvedScript
Gets or sets the script that is executed when the current object has been completely resolved, all its fragments created and added to the Fragments collection of the current object.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property Original
Gets the original RenderObject object that produced the current object during data binding, or null if there is no such object.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property PageNumberingChange
Gets or sets the PageNumberingChange object defining the page numbering change that will occur when the current object is rendered.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property Parent
Gets the parent RenderObject containing the current object.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property RepeatGridLinesHorz
Gets or sets a value indicating whether horizontal gridlines (see GridLines) should be drawn when the current table is split between two or more pages.
Public property RepeatGridLinesVert
Gets or sets a value indicating whether vertical gridlines (see GridLines) should be drawn when the current table is split between two or more horizontal (extender) pages.
Public property RowGroups
Gets the collection of row groups defined on the current RenderTable.
Public property Rows
Gets the collection of rows of the current RenderTable. Getting a row with an arbitrary index on this collection always returns a TableRow object, initializing it if necessary.
Public property RowsCanSplit Obsolete.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether table rows can split between pages (you can override this value for individual rows using CanSplit property). The default is false.
Public property RowSizingMode
Gets or sets a value determining how the heights of table rows are calculated. The default is Auto.
Public property RowsSplitBehavior
Gets or sets a value determining how a table row is treated when it is too high to fit in the vertical space available on the current page. (you can override this value for individual rows using SplitBehavior property).

The default is Never.

Public property SplitHorzBehavior
Gets or sets the value determining how the object is treated when it is too wide to fit in the horizontal space available on the current page.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property SplitVertBehavior
Gets or sets the value determining how the object is treated when it is too high to fit in the vertical space available on the current page.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property Stacking
Gets or sets the stacking rules used to arrange the children of the current object.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property Stretch Obsolete.
Obsolete. Use StretchColumns instead.
Public property StretchColumns
Gets or sets the mode of stretching the columns of the current table when filling an empty space on the right of the table.
Public property StretchRows
Gets or sets the mode of stretching the rows of the current table when filling an empty space below the table.
Public property Table
Gets the most nested RenderTable containing the current render object, or null if the current object is not contained in a table.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property TableCell
Gets the TableCell object containing the current object, or null if the current object is not contained in a cell of a RenderTable.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property TableCol
Gets the 0-based index of the column in the most nested RenderTable containing the current render object, or -1 if the current object is not contained in a table.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property TableRow
Gets the 0-based index of the row in the most nested RenderTable containing the current render object, or -1 if the current object is not contained in a table.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property UserCellGroups
Gets the collection of UserCellGroup objects defined on the current table.
Public property UserData
Gets or sets arbitrary data associated with the current object.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property VertPageFooterOnLastPage
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a vertical page footer, if defined (see remarks), should be printed on the last of the horizontal pages spanned by the current table.
Public property VertPageHeaderOnFirstPage
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a vertical page header, if defined (see remarks), should be printed on the first of the horizontal pages spanned by the current table.
Public property Visibility
Gets or sets a value indicating the visibility of the current object.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property Width
Gets or sets the width of the current object.

May be specified as auto (Auto), a percentage of the parent's width (e.g. "50%"), an absolute value (using DefaultUnit), an absolute value with unit of measurement (e.g. "12mm"), or an expression referencing this and other objects (e.g. "Max(prev.width,6cm)").

(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property X
Gets or sets the X coordinate of the current object.

May be specified as auto (Auto), an absolute value (using DefaultUnit), an absolute value with unit of measurement (e.g. "12mm"), or an expression referencing this and other objects (e.g. "prev.right+2mm").

(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property Y
Gets or sets the Y coordinate of the current object.

May be specified as auto (Auto), an absolute value (using DefaultUnit), an absolute value with unit of measurement (e.g. "12mm"), or an expression referencing this and other objects (e.g. "prev.height/2-self.height/2").

(Inherited from RenderObject.)
Public property ZOrder
Gets or sets the Z-order of the current object. Objects with smaller Z-order values are drawn under objects with larger Z-order values. By default, this property is zero.
(Inherited from RenderObject.)

Explicit Interface Implementations

See Also