The RenderLineFragment type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Bounds
Gets or sets the current fragment's bounds within its parent. For top level fragments, bounds within Page are returned.
(Inherited from RenderFragment.)
Public property BoundsOnPage
Gets the bounds of the current fragment on the page.
(Inherited from RenderFragment.)
Public property Children
Gets a RenderFragmentCollection containing the child fragments of the current fragment.
(Inherited from RenderFragment.)
Public property ClipParent
Gets the value indicating whether the parent object is clipped. (Returns the value of ClipPage for top-level fragments, Clip of the parent fragment's render object for nested ones.)
(Inherited from RenderFragment.)
Public property ColumnIndex
Gets the 0-based index of the column on the page containing the current fragment. For the default single-column page layout, the value of this property is 0. If the current fragment belongs to a page header or footer, this value is -1 (see IsInPageHeader and IsInPageFooter).
(Inherited from RenderFragment.)
Public property ContentBoundsOnPage
For internal use.
(Inherited from RenderFragment.)
Public property Document
Gets the C1PrintDocument object containing the current fragment.
(Inherited from RenderFragment.)
Public property DrawBoundsOnPage
For internal use.
(Inherited from RenderFragment.)
Public property HasChildren
Gets a value indicating whether the Children collection of the current fragment has been initialized and contains one or more elements.
(Inherited from RenderFragment.)
Public property IndexInParent
Gets the 0-based index of the current fragment in the Children collection of its Parent.
(Inherited from RenderFragment.)
Public property IndexInRenderObject
Gets the 0-based index of the current fragment in the Fragments collection of the RenderObject that produced it.
(Inherited from RenderFragment.)
Public property InnerBounds
Gets the inner bounds of the current fragment (without spacing, borders and padding) within its parent.
(Inherited from RenderFragment.)
Public property InnerBoundsOnPage
Gets the inner bounds of the current fragment (without spacing, borders and padding) on the page.
(Inherited from RenderFragment.)
Public property IsInPageFooter
Gets a value indicating whether the current fragment belongs to the page footer.
(Inherited from RenderFragment.)
Public property IsInPageHeader
Gets a value indicating whether the current fragment belongs to the page header.
(Inherited from RenderFragment.)
Public property Level
Gets the nesting level of the current fragment in the fragments' tree. The topmost fragment (that has no parent) has level 1.
(Inherited from RenderFragment.)
Public property Line
Gets the LinePropsBase object describing the line represented by the current fragment's RenderLineBase.
Public property Page
Gets the page containing the current fragment.
(Inherited from RenderFragment.)
Public property PageIndex
Gets the 0-based index of C1Page containing the current fragment.
(Inherited from RenderFragment.)
Public property Parent
Gets RenderFragment that is the parent of the current fragment.
(Inherited from RenderFragment.)
Public property RenderObject
Gets the RenderLineBase that produced the current fragment.
Public property Shape
Gets the ShapeProps object describing the geometric shape represented by the current fragment's RenderShapeBase.
(Inherited from RenderShapeFragment.)
Public property TableColOnPage
Gets the 0-based index of the column in the most nested RenderTableFragment containing the current render object (i.e. the column index on the current page), or -1 if the current object is not contained in a table.
(Inherited from RenderFragment.)
Public property TableFragment
Gets the most nested RenderTableFragment containing the current fragment, or null if the current object is not contained in a table.
(Inherited from RenderFragment.)
Public property TableRowOnPage
Gets the 0-based index of the row in the most nested RenderTableFragment containing the current render object (i.e. the row index on the current page), or -1 if the current object is not contained in a table.
(Inherited from RenderFragment.)
Public property TopParent
Gets the top level RenderFragment containing the current fragment.
(Inherited from RenderFragment.)
Public property Visible
Gets a value indicating whether the current fragment is visible.
(Inherited from RenderFragment.)

Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetation Private property IDocumentLocation..::..PageIndex (Inherited from RenderFragment.)
Explicit interface implemetation Private property IDocumentLocation..::..PageNo (Inherited from RenderFragment.)

See Also