The RenderFragment type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AssignFrom
Assigns (copies) properties from another RenderFragment to the current object. Clones Children by cloning all its elements.
Protected method CalcLength(RefDim)
This method can be called only by *another* RenderFragment object during resolving LengthRef object.
Protected method CalcLength(RefDim, LengthBase, Boolean, PageAreaBase%, Double%)
Calculates a value of dimension. Only LengthRef, LengthAbs, LengthExp can be specified as length.
Protected method CalcLengthAbs
Calculates a value of dimension specified by LengthAbs.
Protected method CalcLengthExp
Calculates a value of dimension specified by the LengthExp object. (dimension is an expression).
Protected method CalcLengthRef
Calculates a value of dimension specified by the LengthRef object. (dimension references a dimension of another object).
Protected method ChangeResolvedDimensions
Called when the resolved sizes of the object should be changed, for example when resolving of table is finished and height of all objects in a row is set to the same value. Object may ignore this changing and not change self size. This method is called only for child objects, so x and y are relative to the top left corner of the parent.
Public method Clone
Creates a copy of the current RenderFragment.
Protected method CreateSplitParams
Creates a SplitParams object, used during splitting, child classes may override this method to create the SplitParams object of custom type (derived from SplitParams).
Public method Draw(Graphics, Boolean)
Draws the current fragment and its children on a specified Graphics.
Public method Draw(Graphics, Rectangle, Boolean)
Draws the current fragment and its children on a specified Graphics.
Public method Draw(Graphics, Rectangle, Boolean, Boolean)
Draws the current fragment and its children on a specified Graphics.
Public method Draw(Graphics, Rectangle, Rectangle, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Draws the current fragment on a specified Graphics.
Protected method DrawBackground
Draws background of object.
Protected method DrawBorders
Draws borders of object.
Protected method DrawChildren
For internal use.
Protected method DrawContent
For internal use.
Protected method FillRect(Graphics, Rectangle, Style, IScriptContext)
For internal use.
Protected method FillRect(Graphics, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Style, IScriptContext)
For internal use.
Protected method FindHorzSplitPosContent
Checks can object's content be split on specified position by horizontally.
Public method FindHyperlink
Searches for a C1Hyperlink object in the current fragment at the specified position.
Protected method FindVertSplitPosContent
Checks can object's content be split on specified position by vertically.
Public method GetAnchorRect
Calculates the location of a C1Anchor contained in the Anchors collection of the render object that produced the current fragment.
Protected method GetChildrenDrawBounds
For internal use.
Protected method GetContentAutoHeight
Override this method to calculate the height of object on basis of its content, this method is called when height of object specified as auto, for example:
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obj.Height = Unit.Auto;
Protected method GetContentAutoSize
Override this method to calculate sizes of object on basis of its content, this method is called when width and height of object specified as auto.
Protected method GetContentAutoWidth
Override this method to calculate the width of object on basis of its content, this method is called when width of object specified as auto, for example:
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obj.Width = Unit.Auto;
Protected method GetDrawingFlags
Override this method to define the drawing flags. These flags manage the object's painting.
Protected method GetFlag
For internal use.
Protected method GetHorzSplits
Override this method and return the horizontal splits in the object relative to the left edge of the content area.
Public method GetHyperlinks
Adds information about all hyperlinks that appear in the current fragment to a C1HyperlinkInfoCollection.
Protected method GetReferencedObject
Gets the object referenced by a LengthRef object. Called only from ResolveLengthRef(RefDim, LengthRef).
Protected method GetRoundBorderClipping
Retures GraphicsPath object representing the rounded object's border, if border is not rounded returns nil.
Protected method GetVertSplits
Override this method and return the vertical splits in the object relative to the top top edge of the content area.
Public method HasClippedChildren
Checks whether any of the child fragments of the current fragment are clipped by its bounds. Depending on the recursive parameter, may also recursively test all child fragments.
Protected method InitializeSplitParams
For internal use.
Protected method InternalDraw(GdiDc, DrawParams)
Override this procedure if GetDrawingFlags sets the DrawingFlagsEnum.UseGdiDrawing flag.
Protected method InternalDraw(Graphics, DrawParams)
Override this procedure if GetDrawingFlags does not set the DrawingFlagsEnum.UseGdiDrawing flag.
Protected method InternalDrawShadow
For internal use only.
Protected method InternalPrepareForReresolving
Override this method to perform additional initializations of resolved info of object on reresolving. Some dimensions of object do not change when it splits, so you can use this method to copy some information from old resolved info to new resolved info.
Protected method IsReresolvingNeeded
Gets a value indicating whether a full re-resolving of the whole render object is needed.
Public method IsShadowVisible
Returns true if shadow visible for RenderFragment.
Protected method ResolveChildrenLayout
For internal use.
Protected method ResolveLength
For internal use.
Protected method ResolveLengthAbs
Resolves an absolute dimension of object.
Protected method ResolveLengthAuto
Resolves an auto dimension of object.
Protected method ResolveLengthExp
Resolves a expression dimension of object.
Protected method ResolveLengthRef
Resolves a dimension of object specified as reference.
Public method ResolvingFinished
This method is called by the rendering engine after the current RenderFragment has been completely resolved. Typically this method would be used to clear temporary data created and used during resolving.
Protected method SetFlag
For internal use.
Protected method ShouldSerializeBorders
Indicates whether the Borders()()()() property should be serialized.
Protected method ShouldSerializeDrawInner
Indicates whether the DrawInner()()()() property should be serialized.
Protected method ShouldSerializePadding
Indicates whether the Padding()()()() property should be serialized.
Protected method ShouldSerializeSpacing
Indicates whether the Spacing()()()() property should be serialized.
Protected method Split
Performs splitting of RenderFragment object.
Protected method SplitChildren
For internal use.
Protected method SplitHorzContent
Splits content of object by horizontally, by default this procedure split object as image.
Protected method SplitVertContent
Splits content of object by vertically, by default this procedure split object as image.

See Also