The HyperlinkEntry type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public field a
Action that will be executed when hyperlink is cliked by user, can be null. Action examples: "'", url to external page that will be opened in current window (user can use ctrl+click in order to open hyperlink in the new window) "javascript:some_javascript code", e.g. "javascript:alert('hellow world')" "exec:somemethod(parame, parame2)", executes C1ReportViewer method, e.g. "exec:exportToFile('Adobe PDF','pdf')" "moveto:p,i", where p - page index, i - index of the TextRunMarkup within tr array of the page given by index p , report view will be scrolled to given place", e.g. "javascript:alert('moveto:5,10')" todo: add moveTo method for the C1ReportViewer client side object and use it along with exec action
Public field p
0-based index of the page containing this hyperlink.
Public field text
The hyperlink text. This is usually displayed in the browser's status when the mouse is over this hyperlink.
Public field tr
Array of page text run descriptors that contains coordinates of the text. Can not be null.

See Also