The C1RdlReport type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AssignFrom
Copies properties from another C1RdlReport to the current object.
(Overrides C1RdlReportBase..::..AssignFrom(C1RdlReportBase).)
Public method Clear
Clears the current report, sets all properties to their default values.
(Overrides C1RdlReportBase..::..Clear()()()().)
Public method ClearGeneratedPages
TBD: Clears generated document.
(Inherited from C1RdlReportBase.)
Protected method ClearTemporaryInfo
Overridden. Clears all temporary data created during report generation.
(Overrides C1RdlReportBase..::..ClearTemporaryInfo()()()().)
Public method CreateDocument (Inherited from C1RdlReportBase.)
Protected method Dispose
Releases the resoureces used by C1PrintDocument.
(Inherited from C1RdlReportBase.)
Protected method Finalize
Destructs the current instance of C1RdlReportBase.
(Inherited from C1RdlReportBase.)
Public method GetSubreports
Scans the current report definition and retrieves the list of report names (ReportName) of Subreport()()()() items contained within the current report.
Public method Load(Stream)
Loads a report definition from a stream into the current report. The stream should contain an RDL report definition in the supported format.
(Inherited from C1RdlReportBase.)
Public method Load(String)
Loads a report definition from a file into the current report. The file should contain an RDL report definition in the supported format.
(Inherited from C1RdlReportBase.)
Public method Render
Renders the report.
(Inherited from C1RdlReportBase.)
Public method Save(Stream)
Saves the currently loaded report definition to a stream.
(Inherited from C1RdlReportBase.)
Public method Save(String)
Saves the currently loaded report definition to a disk file.
(Inherited from C1RdlReportBase.)


  Name Description
Public property Author
Gets or sets the author of the report.
Public property AutoRefresh
Gets or sets the rate, in seconds, at which the report page (when rendered as HTML) automatically refreshes. Must be nonnegative. If omitted or zero, the report page should not automatically refresh. Max: 2147483647. Default: 0.
Public property Body
Gets the Body object describing how the body of the report is structured and rendered.
Public property C1Document
Gets a C1PrintDocument object representing the report. Note that if the report is empty, it is rendered before this property returns.
(Inherited from C1RdlReportBase.)
Public property Classes
Gets the Classes collection containing info about classes to instantiate during report initialization.
Public property Code
Gets or sets the string containing definitions for custom functions to be used in expressions in the report. Custom functions must be instance methods. If a function OnInit() is defined within code, it is called during parameter, report and page header/footer initialization. The function must be defined as Protected and Overrides.
Public property CodeModules
Gets the CodeModules collection containing code modules to make available to the report for use in expressions.
Public property ConsumeContainerWhitespace
Gets or sets a value indicating that all whitespace in containers (such as Body and Rectangle) should be consumed when contents grow rather than preserving the minimum whitespace between the contents and the container.
Public property CustomProperties
Gets the CustomProperties object containing custom information to be handed to the report rendering component
Public property DataElementName
Gets or sets the name of a top level element that represents the report data. Default: Report. Must be a CLS-compliant identifier.
Public property DataElementStyle
Gets or sets a value indicating whether leaf-level values (for example, text box values and chart data values) should render as elements or attributes.
Public property DataSchema
Gets or sets the schema or namespace to use for the report data rendering.
Public property DataSets
Gets or the data that is displayed as part of the report.
Public property DataSources
Gets the data sources from which data sets are taken for this report.
Public property DataTransform
Gets or sets the location to a transformation to apply to a report data rendering. This can be a full folder path (for example, “/xsl/xfrm.xsl”) or relative path (for example “xfrm.xsl”). Relative paths start in the same folder as the report.
Public property DeferVariableEvaluation
Gets or sets a value indicating that variables throughout the report are not required to be pre-evaluated at the start of report processing and may be evaluated on-demand based on usage. Deferred variable evaluation can improve performance but should not be used if any variables are time-dependent.
Public property Description
Gets or sets the description of the report.
Public property EmbeddedImages
Gets the EmbeddedImages collection containing images embedded in the report.
Public property EmfType
Gets or sets the type of metafiles created by the current report. The default is EmfPlusOnly.
Public property ExecutionTime
Gets the date/time when the report began generating. If this is a subreport then the master report's ExecutionTime is returned.
(Inherited from C1RdlReportBase.)
Public property FileName
Gets the file name from which the current report definition has been loaded, or where it has been last saved.
(Inherited from C1RdlReportBase.)
Public property GeneratingComplete
If the current report is generating (see IsBusy), gets the approximate completion ratio, from 0 (0% complete) to 1 (100% complete). If the report is currently not generating, gets 1.
(Inherited from C1RdlReportBase.)
Public property HasSubreports
Gets a value indicating whether the current report contains any Subreport()()()() items.
Public property IsBusy
Gets a value that determines whether a report is currently being generated.
(Inherited from C1RdlReportBase.)
Public property IsEmpty
Gets a value indicating whether the current report has not been generated (i.e. has no generated pages).

Note that this property does not depend on whether a report definition has been loaded into the current report.

(Inherited from C1RdlReportBase.)
Public property Language
Gets or sets the primary language of the text. Used as the default for all language-dependent expressions in the report.
Public property Page
Gets the Page object containing page layout information about the report.
Public property RdlVersion
Overridden. Gets the version of Report Definition Language (RDL) implemented by the current component. This property returns RDL2008.
(Overrides C1RdlReportBase..::..RdlVersion.)
Public property ReportDefinition
Gets or sets an Xml string containing the complete report definition.
(Inherited from C1RdlReportBase.)
Public property ReportParameters
Gets the ReportParameters collection containing parameters of the report.
Public property ShowParametersInputDialog
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a dialog allowing to input values for some or all of the report parameters (elements of the ReportParameters collection) should be shown to the user before the report generates. To include or exclude parameters from the dialog, use Hidden.

The default value is true.

Public property UseGdiPlusTextRendering
Gets or sets a value indicating whether all text in the current report should be rendered using GDI+ text API.

The default value is false.

Public property UserData
Gets or sets arbitrary data associated with the current report.
(Inherited from C1RdlReportBase.)
Public property Variables
Gets the Variables collection containing variables defined for the report as a whole.
Public property Warnings
Gets the collection of warnings produced when the current report was generated. If this is a subreport then the master report's collection of warnings is returned.
(Inherited from C1RdlReportBase.)
Public property Width
Gets or sets the width of the report.


  Name Description
Public event LongOperation
Occurs periodically during report generation. Allows to provide progress indication and the ability to cancel generation to the user.
(Inherited from C1RdlReportBase.)

See Also