The OutputRange type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method OutputRange()()()()
Creates a new instance of the output range that includes all pages in the document. Note that enumerating the resulting range must be broken by the client.
Public method OutputRange(Int32)
Creates a new instance of the output range that includes all pages in the document.
Public method OutputRange(array<Int32>[]()[][])
Creates an instance of OutputRange that includes all pages with numbers specified in the list. The list may include Dash values to specify intervals.
Public method OutputRange(String)
Creates an instance of OutputRange that includes pages specified by the string parameter. The string may contain: - page numbers (1-based) separated by spaces or commas; - dashes ('-') to specify intervals (a dash at the end implies infinity).
Public method OutputRange(Int32, Int32)
Creates an instance of OutputRange that includes a single interval of pages. FromPage may be greater than ToPage, in that case the range is inverted.


  Name Description
Public method AssignFrom
Copies values from another instance of OutputRange.
Public method Clone
Clones the current OutputRange.
Public method Contains
Tests whether the specified page is within the range.
Public method GetEnumerator
Creates and returns a new enumerator that allows to loop through all pages in the range.
Public method GetFirstPage
Returns the first page in the range.
Public method GetNextPage(Int32)
Returns the page number in the range following the specified one, or -1 if the specified number was the last one.
Public method GetNextPage(Int32, Int32%)
Returns the page number in the range following the specified one, or -1 if the specified number was the last one.
Public method ToString
Returns a string that represents the current OutputRange.
(Overrides Object..::..ToString()()()().)


  Name Description
Public field Static member Dash
If included in the page indices list, specifies that all pages from preceeding to the next one are to be included in the output.
Public field Static member NoPage
This value indicates an invalid page number.


  Name Description
Public property Static member All
Represents an all-inclusive range.
Public property FromPage
Gets the first page in the range.
Public property Inverted
Gets or sets the value indicating whether the range should be inverted. If the range is inverted, the range's iterator goes from the end of the range backwards.
Public property MaxPageNumber
Gets or sets the absolute upper limit for page numbers in the range.
Public property PageCount
Gets the total number of pages in the range. Note that if the MaxPageNumber has not been set, this property will get int.MaxValue.
Public property PageNumbers
Gets the list of page numbers.
Public property ToPage
Gets the last page in the range.
Public property Type
Type of range: all pages, range of pages etc.

See Also