ComponentOne Bitmap for UWP
OpenSharedResource<T>(IntPtr) Method

C1.UWP.DX Assembly > C1.Util.DX.Direct3D11 Namespace > Device Class > OpenSharedResource Method : OpenSharedResource<T>(IntPtr) Method
The type of the resource we are gaining access to.
A resource handle. See remarks.
Give a device access to a shared resource created on a different Direct3d device.
Public Overloads Function OpenSharedResource(Of T As ComObject)( _
   ByVal resourceHandle As System.IntPtr _
) As T
public T OpenSharedResource<T>( 
   System.IntPtr resourceHandle
where T: ComObject


A resource handle. See remarks.

Type Parameters

The type of the resource we are gaining access to.

Return Value

This method returns a reference to the resource we are gaining access to.
See Also


Device Class
Device Members
Overload List