Basic Library for WinRT
ISpellChecker Interface Members
Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by ISpellChecker.

Public Properties
 PropertyEnabledGets a value that indicates whether the main spelling dictionary has been loaded.  
 PropertyIgnoreListGets the list of words to ignore during spell-checking.  
 PropertyUserDictionaryGets the user dictionary used for spell-checking.  
Public Methods
 MethodCheckControlAsyncShows a spell-checking dialog for an editor control.  
 MethodCheckTextChecks a string containing text and returns a list of spelling errors.  
 MethodGetSuggestionsGets a list of suggestions for a misspelled word.  
 MethodShowSuggestionsMenuShows a context menu with suggestions for a misspelled word.  
Public Events
 EventDictionaryChangedEvent that fires when any of the spell dictionaries changes in any way.  
See Also


ISpellChecker Interface
C1.Xaml Namespace



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