ActiveReports 6 Online Help
Vertical Writing Support

ActiveReports 6 provides the support of vertical writing that is widely used in East Asian languages. By setting the VerticalText property of the Textbox or Label control to True, the text you supply for the controls will be rendered vertically.

Vertical Text Rendering: General Limitations

The vertical rendering of the following characters may depend on the input mode

Hiragana and Katakana combinations that have rendering limitations in vertical mode

Vertical Text Rendering: Viewer Limitations

Small kanas that are rendered incorrectly in the Viewer control if rotated 90 degrees

Vertical Text Rendering: FlashViewer Limitations

Ideographic characters (cl-19) that are rendered incorrectly in FlashViewer

Vertical Text Export Options

Vertical writing is supported for the following export filters:


  1. If the width of the TextBox or Label control, containing vertical text, is larger than a single character, the text in the exported PDF file will overlap.
  2. Vertical text in the Label control with the Angle property set to a value other than 0 will not display correctly in the resulting PDF file.
  3. Open, curly and square brackets with the Italic property set to True are rendered incorrectly in the resulting PDF file.
  4. Some Japanese Kanji characters with the Italic property set to True are rendered incorrectly in vertical mode in the resulting PDF file.


  1. In case of the HTML export filter, the vertical text is supported just for the DynamicHtml output type and works with Microsoft Internet Explorer only.