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Adding Hyperlinks to Reports
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User Guide > How-To Section > Adding Hyperlinks to Reports

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Using Hyperlinks in ActiveReports

ActiveReports for .NET 3.0 allows you to add hyperlinks to reports to perform a variety of functions. You can set the HyperLink property to any HTML-style link, items in the Bookmarks collection (TOC), or use it to simulate drill-down reporting. By using the HyperLink property, reports can have "clickable" controls that can be used for many purposes, including the ability to run and display other reports. When a control that has its HyperLink property set to an item in the Bookmarks collection or a Web link is clicked, ActiveReports displays the link as a new tab within the Viewer object. Links that point to e-mail addresses use the operating system to find the appropriate e-mail program and create a new e-mail addressed to the specified recipient.  

To add a hyperlink to a report at design time, click on the appropriate control within the ActiveReport designer and set the HyperLink property for it in the Properties window.


The following code demonstrates how to set the HyperLink property of a TextBox control to point to available links at run time.

To point to a TOC entry

txtEntry.HyperLink = "toc://" + BookmarksCollection(iEntry - 1).Label

To point to a Web link

txtWebsite.HyperLink = ""

To point to a e-mail link

txtMail.HyperLink = ""

See Also

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