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Visual Studio 2005 Web Project Conversion
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User Guide > Troubleshooting > Visual Studio 2005 Web Project Conversion

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Symptoms: The ReportAssembly project does not convert to Visual Studio 2005.

Cause: Because of the changes Microsoft has made to the way Web projects are handled in Visual Studio 2005 several known conversion issues exist that impact upgrading ActiveReports Web projects created with Visual Studio 2003. Among these are the following:

Solution: In order to rectify these issues and complete the upgrade process, please take the following steps:

  1. In Windows Explorer, create an App_GlobalResources folder under the main project folder.
  2. Copy all of the resx files from the Reports folder to the new App_GlobalResources folder.
  3. In Visual Studio's Solution Explorer, right-click the report and select View Designer.
  4. Dirty the report by changing a property value in the Properties window and then changing it back to the orginal value.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 with all of the reports in your project.
  6. Build the project.

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