ActiveReports3 Request technical support
SectionType Enumeration
See Also  

Specifies the type of the section object.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Enum SectionType 
   Inherits Enum
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As SectionType
public enum SectionType : Enum 


ReportHeaderThe section is a report header that prints once at the beginning of the report.
PageHeaderThe section is a page header that prints at the top of every page.
GroupHeaderThe section is a group header that prints at the beginning of each grouping of records in the data source. 
DetailThe section is a detail section that prints once for each record in the data source.
GroupFooterThe section is a group footer that prints at the end of each grouping of records in the data source. 
PageFooterThe section is a page footer that prints at the bottom of every page.
ReportFooterThe section is a report footer that prints once at the end of the report.

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also