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BarAdjust Property
See Also 

Gets or sets the adjustment size by dot.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Property BarAdjust As Integer
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As Code128Options
Dim value As Integer
instance.BarAdjust = value
value = instance.BarAdjust
public int BarAdjust {get; set;}


The BarAdjust property is effective only with its barcode style set to EANFNC1. Adjustment size is specified by dot units, which affects the size of the module and not the entire barcode. When making adjustments with the BarAdjust property, it is necessary to set the values of the DPI and ModuleSize properties. By setting all three properties, the value of BarAdjust is effective and the readability of the barcode is improved.

See Also