ActiveReports3 Request technical support
ChartControl.UIAction Enumeration
See Also  

Specifies the action to perform on the chart control.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Enum ChartControl.UIAction 
   Inherits Enum
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As ChartControl.UIAction
public enum ChartControl.UIAction : Enum 


OpenXmlShows a File Open dialog from which you can choose a chart XML file to load into the control.
SaveXmlShows a File Save As dialog from which you can save the current chart's settings to a chart XML file.
CustomizeShows the Chart Designer dialog.
WizardShows the Chart Wizard dialog.
ClearReplace the selected Chart control with a new Chart. Please note that this clears all properties set on the Chart and restores all default values. (Same as clicking the "New Chart" link below the Properties Window.)

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also