ActiveReports3 Request technical support
FetchData Event
See Also  Example

Raised every time a new record is processed.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Event FetchData() As ActiveReport3.FetchEventHandler
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As ActiveReport3
Dim handler As ActiveReport3.FetchEventHandler
AddHandler instance.FetchData, handler
public event ActiveReport3.FetchEventHandler FetchData()

Event Data

The event handler receives an argument of type ActiveReport3.FetchEventArgs containing data related to this event. The following ActiveReport3.FetchEventArgs properties provide information specific to this event.

EOF This parameter is passed by reference and its default Value is True.  It has to be explicitly set to False for the report to continue processing more records when the report is unbound. For bound reports, the EOF property is set automatically.


C#Copy Code
private void rptUnbound_FetchData(object sender, DataDynamics.ActiveReports3.ActiveReport.
   FetchEventArgs eArgs)
"CategoryName"].Value = m_reader["CategoryName"].ToString();        
"ProductName"].Value = m_reader["ProductName"].ToString();        
"UnitsInStock"].Value = m_reader["UnitsInStock"].ToString();        
"Description"].Value = m_reader["Description"].ToString();        
       eArgs.EOF = false;    
eArgs.EOF = true;    
Visual BasicCopy Code
Private Sub rptUnbound_FetchData(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal eArgs As DataDynamics._
      ActiveReports.ActiveReport.FetchEventArgs) Handles MyBase.FetchData
          Me.Fields("CategoryName").Value = m_reader("CategoryName")
          Me.Fields("ProductName").Value = m_reader("ProductName")
          Me.Fields("UnitsInStock").Value = m_reader("UnitsInStock")
          Me.Fields("Description").Value = m_reader("Description")
          eArgs.EOF = False
          Catch ex As Exception
          eArgs.EOF = True
      End Try
End Sub


This event is used to set the values of custom unbound fields that were added in the DataInitialize event.

ActiveReports does not null unbound field values before firing this event.  The unbound field value is carried over so you should always set the values of all unbound fields in this event.

Note:  Do not reference the Fields collection outside the DataInitialize and FetchData events.

See Also