ActiveReports3 Request technical support
AddNamedItem Method
See Also  Example

The name of the new object.
The value of the new object.
Adds an object to the script's global namespace.  This method allows scripts to become aware of custom classes contained within a project.  Once an item has been added, the script can use the objectName string to reference the object and the functions contained within the class.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Sub AddNamedItem( _
   ByVal objectName As String, _
   ByVal objectReference As Object _
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As ActiveReport3
Dim objectName As String
Dim objectReference As Object
instance.AddNamedItem(objectName, objectReference)
public void AddNamedItem( 
   string objectName,
   object objectReference


The name of the new object.
The value of the new object.


C#Copy Code
//Add this code to the Class File
public class clsMyItem
public clsMyItem()
public string getMyItem()
return "Hello";

//Add this code to the report
private void rptAddNamedItem_ReportStart(object sender, System.EventArgs eArgs)
this.AddNamedItem("myItem", new clsMyItem());
Visual BasicCopy Code
'Add this code to the Class File
Public Class clsMyItem
      Public Function getMyItem() As String
            getMyItem = "Hello"
      End Function
End Class

'Add this code to the report
Private Sub rptAddNamedItem_ReportStart(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.ReportStart
      Me.AddNamedItem("myItem", New clsMyItem())
End Sub


This method allows you to add objects such as data layer or business objects from the calling application into the report scripting context.  For example, you might have an Order class that contains a method for computing sales tax.  When you print the order you can pass an Order class instance to the report to allow you to call that method from the report script.

This method is typically used when running reports in stand-alone mode and not compiled into the application.

See Also