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DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Document Namespace
See Also  Inheritance Hierarchy
The DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Document namespace contains many classes which give control over various aspects of the final output of the report.


ActiveReportPrintController Specifies a print controller that sends information to a printer.
ActiveReportPrintControllerWithStatusDialog Controls how a document is printed.
Align For internal use only.
BackColor For internal use only.
BackStyle For internal use only.
Bookmark Specifies a named location in the report document or page that can be reached by name using hyperlinks or using the table of contents outline tree.
BookmarksCollection Specifies a collection of Bookmark objects.
BorderItem For internal use only.
CanvasItem For internal use only.
CellCollection For internal use only.
CellPadding For internal use.
ClipRect For internal use only.
Column For internal use.
ColumnAttributes For internal use only.
ColumnCollection For internal use only.
CompareInfo For internal use only.
CompareOptions For internal use only.
Document The Document object represents the generated output of a report.
DrawText For internal use only.
DrawText2 For internal use only.
DrawTextLink For internal use only.
Edges For internal use only.
Ellipse For internal use only.
EnhMeta For internal use only.
EnhMetaLink For internal use only.
FillRect For internal use only.
FontsCollection For internal use only.
FooterRow For internal use only.
ForeColor For internal use only.
HeaderRow For internal use only.
IntersectClip For internal use only.
JPEGImage For internal use only.
JPEGLink For internal use only.
LineItem For internal use only.
LinkItem For internal use only.
Margins Used to specify the printed page margins.
NumericUnit For internal use only.
Padding For internal use only.
Page Represents a printed page in the report document.
PageCell For internal use only.
PagesCollection Manages a set of pages in the Document object.
PageTable For internal use only.
PenStyle For internal use only.
PenWidth For internal use only.
PngImage For internal use only.
PngLink For internal use only.
Printer Manages printer settings while running the report.
PrintingThreadErrorEventArgs Specifies the arguments of the PrintThreadError event.
PrintProgressEventArgs Specifies the arguments of the PrintProgress event.
Rect For internal use only.
RenderContext For internal use only.
ResetContext For internal use only.
ResourcedCanvasItem For internal use only.
RoundRect For internal use only.
Row For internal use only.
RowAttributes For internal use only.
RowCollection For internal use only.
RTL For internal use only.
SectionInfo For internal use only.
SectionInfoEnd For internal use only.
SelectFont For internal use only.
SetCharacterSpacing For internal use only.
SetLineSpacing For internal use only.
Spacing For internal use only.
Table For internal use only.
TableAttributes For internal use only.
TableCellAttributes For internal use only.
TextAngle For internal use only.
TextOut For internal use only.
UrlErrorEventArgs Specifies the arguments of a downloadError event.
VerticalText For internal use only.
WordWrap For internal use only.


ITableCell For internal use only.


ChangedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the PagesCollection.Changed event.
LoadCompletedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the LoadCompleted event of a Document.
PrintAbortedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the PrintAborted event of an ActiveReportPrintControllerWithStatusDialog.
PrintingThreadErrorEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the PrintingThreadError event of a Document.
PrintProgressEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the PrintingProgess event of an ActiveReportPrintController.
UrlErrorEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the downloadError event of a Document.


AlignmentTypes For internal use only.
BackgroundStyle Specifies the background style when using the low level page drawing APIs.
CanvasType For internal use only.
CellAlignmentTypes For internal use only.
ControlType For internal use only.
PageOrientation Specifies the orientation of a page when rendered to the printer.
PenStyles Specifies the pen style used to draw lines on a page.
RdfFormat Specifies the file format used to save the report document.
SaveOptions Specifies the compression type used to save the report document.
SectionType For internal use only.
TableLayoutType For internal use only.
Units Specifies the document measurement units when using low level drawing API on a document page.
UnitType For internal use only.

See Also