ActiveReports.Viewer3 Request technical support
DrawImage Method
See Also 

Draws an image on the page.

Overload List

DrawImage(Image,RectangleF,String)Draws the specified image within the specified rectangle bounds and assigns a hyperlink to the area on the page.  
DrawImage(Image,Boolean,RectangleF,String)Draws the specified image within the specified rectangle bounds and assigns a hyperlink to the area on the page.  
DrawImage(Image,Single,Single,Single,Single)Draws the specified image within the specified coordinates.  
DrawImage(Image,Single,Single,Single,Single,String,String)Draws the specified image within the specified coordinates.  
DrawImage(Image,Boolean,Single,Single,Single,Single)Draws the specified image within the specified coordinates.  
DrawImage(Image,RectangleF)Draws the specified image within the specified rectangle bounds.  
DrawImage(Image,Boolean,RectangleF)Draws an image on the page in the specified rectangle bounds.  
DrawImage(Image,Single,Single,Single,Single,String)Draws the specified image on the page at the specified coordinates and assigns a hyperlink to the image area.  
DrawImage(Image,Single,Single,Single,Single,String,String,String)Draws the specified image on the page at the specified coordinates and assigns a hyperlink to the image area.  
DrawImage(Image,Boolean,Single,Single,Single,Single,String)Draws the specified image on the page at the specified coordinates and assigns a hyperlink to the image area.  


Units are determined by the Page.Units property.

See Also