ActiveReports.Viewer3 Request technical support
Border Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by Border.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorBorder ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the Border class.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyBottomColorGets or sets the line color of the bottom edge of the border.  
Public PropertyBottomStyleGets or sets the line style of the bottom edge of the border.  
Public PropertyColorSets or returns the color of a control's border.  
Public PropertyLeftColorGets or sets the line color of the left edge of the border.  
Public PropertyLeftStyleGets or sets the line style of the left edge of the border.  
Public PropertyLineStyleOfEdgesGets the BorderLineStyle used to draw the edges. For internal use only.  
Public PropertyMarginsGets the BorderMargins used to set the amount of padding around the control. For internal use only.  
Public PropertyRightColorGets or sets the line color of the right edge of the border.  
Public PropertyRightStyleGets or sets the line style of the right edge of the border.  
Public PropertyShadowDetermines whether ActiveReports should paint a shadow around the right bottom edges of the control.  
Public PropertyStyleSets or returns the BorderLineStyle of the border.  
Public PropertyTopColorGets or sets the line color of the top edge of the border.  
Public PropertyTopStyleGets or sets the line style of the top edge of the border.  

Public Methods

Public MethodCloneCreates a new object that is a copy of the current instance of the Border class.  
Public MethodColorOfEdgesFor internal use only.  
Public MethodCopyToCopies the border to the specified border.  
Public MethodInflateOverloaded. For internal use only.  
Public MethodInflateInchesFor internal use only.  
Public MethodIsEmptyFor internal use only.  
Public MethodMarginsInPointsFor internal use only.  
Public MethodPenStyleFor internal use only.  
Public MethodReadFor internal use only.  
Public MethodReadXmlFor internal use only.  
Public MethodRenderOverloaded. Internal use only.  
Public MethodToStringOverridden. For internal use only.  
Public MethodToStringsInternal use only.  
Public MethodWriteFor internal use only.  
Public MethodWriteXmlFor internal use only.  

Public Events

Public EventPropertyChangedFor internal use only.  

See Also