ActiveReports.Chart Request technical support
Legend Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by Legend.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorLegend ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the Legend class.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyAlignmentGets or sets the floating legend alignment within the chart area.  
Public PropertyAntiAliasModeFor internal use only. (Inherited from DrawCustomizableItem)
Public PropertyBackdropGets or sets the backdrop information with which to fill the legend box.  
Public PropertyBorderGets or sets the border information with which to outline the legend box.  
Public PropertyCustomBorderDrawerGets or sets the custom draw object.  
Public PropertyDockAreaGets or sets the chart area to which the legend is docked.  
Public PropertyDockInsideAreaGets or sets a value indicating whether the legend will be docked inside the containing area.  
Public PropertyFooterGets or sets the footer title for the Legend.  
Public PropertyGridLayoutGets or sets the grid layout for the Legend.  
Public PropertyHeaderGets or sets the header title for the legend.  
Public PropertyLabelsFontGets or sets the label font information used for the Legend.  
Public PropertyLegendItemsGets the custom legend items collection.  
Public PropertyMarginXGets or sets the floating legend horizontal margin.  
Public PropertyMarginYGets or sets the floating legend vertical margin.  
Public PropertyNameFor internal use only. (Inherited from DrawCustomizableComponent)
Public PropertyVisibleGets or sets a value indicating whether the legend is visible.  

Public Methods

Public MethodCloneOverridden. Creates a clone of the Legend object.   
Public MethodDisposeFor internal use only. (Inherited from DrawCustomizableComponent)
Public MethodInternalGetParentsFor internal use only. (Inherited from Item)
Public MethodToStringFor internal use only. (Inherited from DrawCustomizableComponent)

Public Events

Public EventChangeFor internal use only. (Inherited from Item)
Public EventDisposedFor internal use only. (Inherited from DrawCustomizableComponent)
Public EventPostDrawFor internal use only. (Inherited from DrawCustomizableItem)
Public EventPreDrawFor internal use only. (Inherited from DrawCustomizableItem)

See Also