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DrawCustomizableComponent Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by DrawCustomizableComponent.

Public Properties

Public PropertyAntiAliasModeFor internal use only. (Inherited from DrawCustomizableItem)
Public PropertyNameFor internal use only.  

Public Methods

Public MethodCloneFor internal use only. (Inherited from Item)
Public MethodDisposeFor internal use only.  
Public MethodInternalGetParentsFor internal use only. (Inherited from Item)
Public MethodToStringOverridden. For internal use only.  

Public Events

Public EventChangeFor internal use only. (Inherited from Item)
Public EventDisposedFor internal use only.  
Public EventPostDrawFor internal use only. (Inherited from DrawCustomizableItem)
Public EventPreDrawFor internal use only. (Inherited from DrawCustomizableItem)

See Also