ActiveReports.Chart Request technical support
AxisBase Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by AxisBase.

Public Properties

Public PropertyAntiAliasModeFor internal use only. (Inherited from DrawCustomizableItem)
Public PropertyArrowGets or sets the arrow type on the axis.  
Public PropertyAxisTypeGets or sets the axis type.  
Public PropertyContextMenuFor internal use only. (Inherited from MouseEnabledItem)
Public PropertyDisplayScaleGets or sets a value indicating whether to display the scale value on the title of the axis.  
Public PropertyLabelFontGets or sets the font info used to draw the labels of the axis.  
Public PropertyLabelFormatGets or sets the format used to output the values of the labels.  
Public PropertyLabelsGets the contents of the labels collection, used for categorical axes.  
Public PropertyLabelsGapGets or sets a value indicating how many labels to skip on the axis.  
Public PropertyLabelsInsideGets or sets the position of labels against the axis line.  
Public PropertyLabelsVisibleGets or sets a value indicating whether axis labels will be drawn on the axis.  
Public PropertyLineGets or sets the line used to draw the axis.  
Public PropertyMajorTickGets or sets the major tick of the axis.  
Public PropertyMaxGets or sets the maximum value for the axis.  
Public PropertyMinGets or sets the minimum value for the axis.  
Public PropertyMinorTickGets or sets the minor tick of the axis.  
Public PropertyNameFor internal use only. (Inherited from MouseEnabledComponent)
Public PropertyPositionGets or sets the position along the adjacent axis.  
Public PropertyScaleGets or sets the scale value used to draw labels.  
Public PropertySmartLabelsGets or sets a value indicating whether smart labels are enabled on the axis.  
Public PropertyStaggerLabelsGets or sets a value indicating whether labels on the axis are staggered.  
Public PropertyTickOffsetGets or sets the offset of the first tick from the Min value of the axis.  
Public PropertyTitleGets or sets the text string for the title of the axis.  
Public PropertyTitleFontGets or sets the font information used to draw the title of the axis.  
Public PropertyVisibleGets or sets a value indicating whether the axis is visible.  

Public Methods

Public MethodCloneFor internal use only. (Inherited from Item)
Public MethodDisposeFor internal use only. (Inherited from MouseEnabledComponent)
Public MethodInternalGetParentsFor internal use only. (Inherited from Item)
Public MethodOnMouseDownFor internal use only. (Inherited from MouseEnabledItem)
Public MethodOnMouseEnterFor internal use only. (Inherited from MouseEnabledItem)
Public MethodOnMouseHoverFor internal use only. (Inherited from MouseEnabledItem)
Public MethodOnMouseLeaveFor internal use only. (Inherited from MouseEnabledItem)
Public MethodOnMouseMoveFor internal use only. (Inherited from MouseEnabledItem)
Public MethodOnMouseUpFor internal use only. (Inherited from MouseEnabledItem)
Public MethodOnMouseWheelFor internal use only. (Inherited from MouseEnabledItem)
Public MethodToStringFor internal use only. (Inherited from MouseEnabledComponent)

Public Events

Public EventChangeFor internal use only. (Inherited from Item)
Public EventDisposedFor internal use only. (Inherited from MouseEnabledComponent)
Public EventMouseDownFor internal use only. (Inherited from MouseEnabledItem)
Public EventMouseEnterFor internal use only. (Inherited from MouseEnabledItem)
Public EventMouseHoverFor internal use only. (Inherited from MouseEnabledItem)
Public EventMouseLeaveFor internal use only. (Inherited from MouseEnabledItem)
Public EventMouseMoveFor internal use only. (Inherited from MouseEnabledItem)
Public EventMouseUpFor internal use only. (Inherited from MouseEnabledItem)
Public EventMouseWheelFor internal use only. (Inherited from MouseEnabledItem)
Public EventPostDrawFor internal use only. (Inherited from DrawCustomizableItem)
Public EventPreDrawFor internal use only. (Inherited from DrawCustomizableItem)

See Also