ActiveReports 8
Localize Reports, TextBoxes, and Chart Controls
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In a section layout report, the Report object, TextBox control, and Chart control have a public Culture property that allows you to localize data when the OutputFormat property is set to D (date), C (currency), or other .NET formats.

Note: The default value for the Culture property is (default, inherit). For the Report object, this is the culture of the current thread and for the TextBox control and the ChartControl, this is the culture of the Report object.

In a page layout report, the Report object, TextBox control, and Chart control all have a Language property that works in the same way. The default value for the Language property is Default, which is the culture of the current thread.

Design Time

At design time, you can set the culture or language in the Visual Studio Properties window.

To localize a Report at design time

To localize a TextBox control at design time

To localize a Chart control at design time

Run Time

You can also specify a culture in code for section reports. For a list of System.Globalization culture codes, see Cultures.

To localize a Report at run time

To localize a TextBox at run time

To localize a Chart at run time

See Also


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