ActiveReports 8
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.Rendering.Components.Map.GeoData Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassGeoCurve Represents the base type for geospatial curve.
ClassGeoGeometryCollection Represents the collection of geospatial shapes.
ClassGeoLine Represents the geospatial line
ClassGeoLinearRing Represents the geospatial ring for the polygons.
ClassGeoLineString Represents the geospatial line shape.
ClassGeoMultiLineString Represents the geospatial multi line shape.
ClassGeoMultiPoint Represents the geospatial multi point shape.
ClassGeoMultiPolygon Represents the multi polygon shape.
ClassGeoPoint Represents the geospatial point shape.
ClassGeoPolygon Represents the geospatial polygon shape.
ClassGeoPolyhedralSurface Represents the geospatial polyhedral surface.
ClassGeoShape Represents geospatial shape base class.
ClassGeoSurface Represents the base class for geospatial surface.
ClassGeoTin Represents the geospatial triangulated irregular network.
ClassGeoTriangle Represents the geospatial triangle shape.
ClassShapePoint Represents the 2D point.
ClassShapePointM Represents 2D point with M value.
ClassShapePointZ Represents the 3D point.
ClassShapePointZM Represents the 3D point with M value.
EnumerationGeometryType Defines the geometry types according to OGC Simple Access specification.
See Also


GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.v8 Assembly

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