| Name | Description |
| Alignment | Sets the horizontal alignment value for all cells. |
| BorderBottomColor | Sets the color of the bottom border. |
| BorderBottomStyle | Sets the line style for the bottom portion of each cell's border. |
| BorderDiagonalColor | Sets the color of the diagonal border. |
| BorderDiagonalEnum | Sets whether a diagonal border goes up or down, or both (which forms an "X" accross the cell). |
| BorderDiagonalStyle | Sets/gets the line style for the diagonal portion of each cell's border. |
| BorderLeftColor | Sets the color of the left border. |
| BorderLeftStyle | Sets the line style for the left portion of each cell's border. |
| BorderRightColor | Sets the color of the right border. |
| BorderRightStyle | Sets the line style for the right portion of each cell's border. |
| BorderTopColor | Sets the color of the top border. |
| BorderTopStyle | Sets the line style for the top portion of each cell's border. |
| Count | Gets the number of cells contained in this collection |
| FillColor | Sets the "fill color" ("background color") for each cell. |
| FontBold | Sets the bold property of the cell's font. |
| FontItalic | Sets the italic property of the cell's font. |
| FontName | Sets the name of the font. |
| FontSize | Sets the size of the font in points. It will round the number size specified to the nearest half of a point. |
| FontStrikeOut | Sets/gets the bold property of the cell's font. |
| FontUnderlineStyle | Sets the underline style for the cell. |
| ForeColor | Sets the "fore color" ("text color") for each cell. |
| NumberFormat | Sets an Excel style number format string. |
| TextAngle | Sets the text rotation for each cell, in degrees: Values 0-90 is up 0-90 degrees, values 91-180 is down 1-90 degrees, and the value 255 is vertical. |
| VertAlignment | Sets vertical alignment value for all cells. |
| WrapText | Gets/sets whether the cell's text can be wrapped or not. |