ActiveReports 8
Export a Section Report
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In a section report, in order to export your reports to the various formats that ActiveReports supports, you must first either add reference to the assemblies listed below or add the required export controls to your Visual Studio toolbox. For more information on how to add controls, see the Adding ActiveReports Controls topic.

Here are the export formats that ActiveReports supports along with the necessary assembly reference:

Note: HTML Export requires the .NET Framework full profile version. To ensure you are using the full profile version, go to the Visual Studio Project menu > Properties > Compile tab > Advanced Compile Options (for Visual Basic projects) or to the Project menu > Properties > Application tab (for C# projects) and under Target framework select a full profile version.

Use the following steps to export reports through export filters.

  1. Place the report.rpx report inside your project's Bin>Debug folder.
  2. In the Solution Explorer, right-click the References node and select Add Reference.
  3. In the Add Reference dialog that appears, select the following references and click OK to add them to your project.
    Note: The relevant export assemblies are added automatically if you add the export control to the Form. In case you have already done so, you may skip steps 2 and 3 above.
  4. Double-click the Windows Form to create a Form_Load event.
  5. Add the following code to the event to export the report in various formats.

    To write the code in Visual Basic.NET

    To write the code in C#

  6. Press F5 to run the application. The exported files are saved in the bin\debug folder.
See Also


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