ActiveReports 8
Deploy Web Applications

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Follow this guide to deploy ActiveReports Web projects to your Web server. For Web projects using the Professional Edition HttpHandlers, see Configure HTTPHandlers in IIS 6 or Configure HTTPHandlers in IIS 7 and IIS 8.

Before you begin

To deploy ActiveReports Web projects, you must have access to the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5 SP1 or higher and the coordinating version of ASP.NET. You must also have access to Internet Information Services version 5.1 or higher, and you need administrative access to the server.

It is also good to be sure that all of the references you need for your reports are included. Here is a table listing features and required DLLs.

Features and References

To copy referenced DLLs to your project

To install prerequisites on the server

To copy your project to the server

To set permissions on the server

See Also


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